Welcome back to all our children and parents.
School starts on Tuesday 3rd September at 8:50am.
Breakfast club this half term starts at 8:00am.
Foundation Stage children, please meet in the Foundation Stage playground outside the green shutters. Can I remind parents to keep their children close by and not to play on any school equipment before school.
KS1 children will enter their new classrooms via their own doors. At hometime KS1 children should wait for brothers and sisters in the Junior playground and stay close to their parents. Could parents be aware so they don't climb on walls, fences or school equipment.
KS2 children will meet on the junior playgrounds and line up at the bell. Year 5 and 6 should meet in the ball court and Year 3 and Year 4 will meet in the Junior playground outside the hall doors.
Please remember all payments for breakfast clubs, dinners, trips etc are taken via the ParentPay website and not through the office.
Lastly could parents please write their child's name on labels as soon as possible.