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St Peter's and Clifton CE VC Primary School

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3/4DS - Mrs Sadiq



  • Homework is given out on a Friday and due back the following Thursday.
  • Homework will consist of two pieces, one English/Topic and one Maths activity. The work reflects what has been covered in class that week so the children will have been taught everything that they need to know to complete this.
  • Spellings are given out on Monday and tested on the following Monday. Children are expected to practice these a minimum of three times in their spelling books.
  • Children have access to Mathletics at home.
  • Our PE days are Wednesday and Friday. Please make sure the children have the correct PE clothes.
  • On a Wednesday dinner time there is a homework club in 3/4HF. Children can have very busy home lives, so this gives them the opportunity to be responsible for completing their work.
  • Whole class guided reading takes place every day to ensure that all children are engaged and reading material to promote a love and greater understanding of reading.
  • Children are expected to read regularly at home.

Maths - Having fun with fractions!

English -‘Journey to Jo’burg’

Art - Antoni Gaudi

DT - Designing & Making our Own Smoothies

Maths - Problem Solving in "Find out Friday" Sessions

Music - All children are learning to play the Ukelele

Reading - A good book can take you anywhere!
