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6 POPLAR - Miss Guest

Miss Guest -


You can find out what we are currently learning on our Curriculum Newsletter.


A big hello and welcome back to school! I hope you have all had a fantastic, safe summer and I look forward to a hard-working and exciting year ahead! Just a note to parents/carers that if there is anything at all that I can help with throughout the year, please don’t hesitate to ask!


In Year 6, we encourage the children to be organised and prepared for each school day. We aim to further develop their independence and organisational skills in order to help prepare them for their next step in education. Your continued support in every aspect of your child’s learning is always very much appreciated.


Important Information



English and Maths homework will be set on a Tuesday to be due back in school the following Friday.

New spellings will be given out each Friday and tested the following Tuesday. Every child has a log in for Spelling Shed where spelling tasks will be set weekly to aid in your child’s learning of the set spellings.

It would be really appreciated if you could encourage your child to complete their homework at home to support their learning journey.



Every child has a log in for Mathletics and TT Rock Stars. They will be set weekly Mathletics activities to complete and should try to access the activities set as often as possible. As a school we have a focus on ensuring all children know their times tables up to 12x12 and your help will be much appreciated with this as times table knowledge is essential and relied upon in many aspects of maths. The children can access TT Rock Stars to help practise their tables at home.



Reading plays an important part in children’s learning and therefore we ask that your child reads for a minimum of 20 minutes every day. It would be great if you could read with your child and for them to read on their own as well. Please don’t forget to fill in and sign their reading record and ensure reading records and books are in school every day! Each Thursday, reading records will be checked and raffle tickets awarded for reading 5 lots of 20 minutes a week.



Our PE sessions will be on a Tuesday and Wednesday. The children should bring their PE kit in a bag and will get changed for PE at school on these days. These lessons will take place outside. Please make sure that your child has an appropriate outdoor kit (white round neck PE top, black/dark jogging bottoms or shorts, trainers).


Half-term Overview

This half-term we are inspiring and engaging our children through our topic 'A Badge of Strength'We will be studying the life of refugees today; identifying their geographical locations as well as understanding their history. We will also be learning about humans: What is like to be me in my world? How does blood travel around my body? Can I see without looking?  


Remembrance Day

Cross Country Competition

Our year 6 children shone at the Horbury Pyramid cross country competition. All of our children showed values of the SPIRIT. In particular, the children were inspirational to each other with their determination to finish the race, they showed respect for each other and other schools by cheering them on and they had trust in each other to work as a team. A great time was had by all! 
