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5DE - Mrs Ellis

Welcome to Year 5!



Mrs Ellis -


Hello! We’re really looking forward to working with you all this year! Before we get started we’d like to share some information with you. Just a note to parents/carers that if there is anything at all that we can help with throughout the year, please don’t hesitate to ask! The following outlines important information that you may wish to refer back to.

We hope you have all had a fantastic, safe summer and we look forward to a hard-working and exciting year ahead! Mrs Ellis smiley



Mrs Ellis’s PE sessions will be on a Friday. These lessons will take place outside. Please send your child in their PE kit on PE days and they will stay in it all day. All items should be named. Outdoor kit is required at the moment. White PE top (round neck) Black/dark jogging bottoms or shorts, trainers, School jumper or cardigan.

Swimming will be on a Thursday.



Please can we ask that your child reads for 20 minutes every day. It would be great if you could read with your child and for them to read on their own as well. Please don’t forget to fill in and sign their reading record and ensure reading records and books are in school every day. Each Friday, reading records will be checked and raffle tickets awarded for reading 5 lots of 20 minutes a week.



Maths homework will be set weekly every Friday. It will be to complete an arithmetic mental workout. Work needs to be in by the following Friday for marking.

Children should also be completing the spelling shed assignments which are set every Thursday for the following Thursday.

New spellings will be given out each Monday and tested the following Monday. Please ensure your child practices their spellings in their green spelling book.



This term we are going back in time to study the Tudors. We will look in particular at King Henry VIII and his wives, Queen Elizabeth I and the Tudor way of life.

You can view all the Year 5 Sports Day photos here.


Carnival Afternoon

The children looked at photographs of the amazing carnival parade in Rio de Janerio, we noticed the flamboyant headdresses, costumes and jewellery. We had a wonderful afternoon making bracelets, necklaces and headdresses or masks and finished with a Samba dance.

Music - Samba with Mrs Ellis

The children played surdos, reco reco, tambourin, ganza and metal agogo instruments to play this carnival samba band music.

PE - Rugby

Year 5 enjoying rugby on a sunny Monday afternoon.
Fabulous drawings and quotes inspired by the book - The Mole, the boy, the Fox and the Horse.

Amazon Rainforest

In Year 5, we are learning about Brazil and the Amazon Rainforest in Geography. Children were asked to create a rainforest in a shoebox at home and at school and the results are amazing.

Children were asked to present information about the Solar System in any way they preferred. These are their fabulous responses.

Christmas Performance

You can watch our Christmas performance here.

Christmas Jumper Day

We have been making Alien soup out of sand, rice, paper clips, salt and water. 

Their task was to select the correct equipment to separate the ingredients in the Alien soup. Everyone did a fantastic job.

Children in Need Day

Tudor Day

5DE enjoying all the activities on Tudor Day! You can view all the photos here.

Harvest Festival

Please visit the Video Resource Centre to watch our Harvest Festival.

The re-enactment of The Battle of Bosworth.

You can view all the photos here.

Our Classroom

PE - enjoying hockey in the glorious sunshine

Y6 - Hockey

Y6 have been really enjoying hockey sessions this half term. They have learnt how to safely carry a hockey stick in the suitcase position, pass a ball using a push pass and a sweeping pass; they also learnt how to intercept.  