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5/6MA - Miss Allatt


*** You can access Home Learning for your class here ***


In Year 5/6, we encourage the children to be organised and prepared for each school day. Within these year groups we aim to develop their independence and organisational skills further. We appreciate your continued support in every aspect of your child’s learning.


Important information



Maths homework is set on a Friday to be due back in school the following Thursday.

Every child has a log in for Mathletics. They will be set weekly activities to complete. They should try to access the activities set as often as possible. As a school we are focusing on ensuring all children know their times tables up to 12x12 and your help will be much appreciated with this as times table knowledge is essential and relied upon in many aspects of maths. The children can access TT Rock Stars to help practise their tables at home.



English homework is set on a Friday and is due back in school on the following Thursday.

Spelling homework is set on Monday and these need to be learnt throughout the week and brought back to school the following Monday.

Reading records need to be in school every day and taken home every night so the children can read for at least 20 minutes a day. If they read to themselves, they must write a comment in their reading book so we can see that they have read independently.



Physical Education

In P.E. the children will be benefitting from specialised coaching during Wednesday’s PE session. PE kits need to be available in school on a Wednesday and Friday. Friday sessions require an indoor kit and Wednesday sessions require an outdoor kit.


Kit required for P.E:

Boys - White T-shirt and black shorts and trainers or pumps for outdoor games during summer and winter months. Warm navy/black tracksuit for outdoor games during the winter months.

Girls - White T-shirt, black shorts or cycling shorts (not nylon or lycra) and trainers or pumps for outdoor games during summer and winter months. Warm navy/black tracksuit for outdoor games during the winter months.

Please note earrings must be removed for PE or covered by tape provided by the parent.

Spring has Sprung

Exciting news! The chicks in Foundation have finally hatched this week! We couldn't wait to go down to see them! 


Keeping Fit

The sunshine has finally come out which has put a smile on our faces in school. I hope that it's meant everyone at home has been able to play in the garden and have lots of fun! We have been making sure that we have been doing lots of exercise this week - we even managed to convince Miss Allatt to complete Jo Wick's PE session every morning! 


The Alchemist's Letter

This week we have become Alchemists and have studied transforming and creating things through a seemingly magical process.Taking inspiration from The Alchemist's Letter, we have investigated the process of oxidation, produced our very own storms and have also managed to create bubbling lava lamps. If any of our home learners would like to have a go too please email Miss Allatt for instructions! ( 


In our music lessons, this term, we have been expanding our knowledge and understanding of different genres. We have previously learnt to sing like Adele and have used a variety of instruments to play the instrumental of Make You Feel My Love. We are now learning to rap like Will Smith! 


This half term we have been studying the work of the English ceramic artist Clarice Cliff. We have really impressed Miss Allatt with our choices of vocabulary  used to describe Clarice Cliff's patterns. For example using the adjective ostentatious. Taking inspiration from her abstract, gaudy style, we have begun to create our very own plate designs. 


World Book Day was truly magical this year! We stepped into the wizarding world of Harry Potter as we took a walk down the cobblestones of Diagon Alley. Shops selling cauldrons, wands and owls inspired our own descriptive writing of a shop. 


Science - Shadow Investigation

This week, we carried out an investigation to find out whether the size of a shadow changed when a light source moved further away. We really impressed Miss Allatt with our team work! 


Jim Gump

We were truly inspired by our special guest visitor on Friday - Jim Gump. He is on a mission to run 30,000 miles and has won Athlete of the Year in 2016. We loved questioning and finding out more about his running adventures as well as joining him in a whole school run. 


Anti-Racism Ribbons

We have been learning about racism and the importance of accepting people despite their race. We have worked hard in our spare time to produce beautiful and thoughtful anti-racism ribbons which are proudly displayed in our classrooms. A big well done to our competition winners - Angela, Niamh, Poppy, Roxanne, Grace B and Grace C as well as everyone who took part.



This half term we have been taught by a professional hockey coach in our PE sessions. We have learnt how to safely carry a hockey stick in the suitcase position, pass a ball using a push pass and a sweeping pass; we've also learnt how to not become 'bees around a honey pot' whilst playing in a match. We are looking forward to taking part in a mini class tournament next week.


Oakwell Hall

We had a lovely day at Oakwell Hall. View our photos here.


Art - Watercolour Portraits

Taking inspiration from Tudor portrait artists we have created our very own watercolour portraits. Whilst painting Henry VIII and his six wives, we carefully thought about the colours to use and the detail that had to be included. 


This half term we have been learning about Islam and what it means to be a Muslim. We have been using our research skills to find out about the five pillars and present our information on our very own pillar! 


We have had our Mary Berry and Paul Hollywood hats on this week as we have baked and tasted different types of bread. We are looking forward to baking our own creations next week! 



Science - Paper strength

This week, in 5/6 MA, we carried out our first science experiment. We were amazed at the strength of brown paper! This finding lead to us to discuss why it would be most suitable for envelopes. 


We had a brilliant day in year 5 and 6 enacting the Battle of Bosworth! We began the day preparing for battle! Working hard to make helmets, shields, swords and a rose to symbolise our House. 


Welcome to 5/6 MA!

We have had a great start to the year in class 5/6 MA! We have taken the time to make new friends and get to know one another in our new class. 

