We are a White Rose Maths school. Maths mastery is at the heart of our mathematics teaching, and we aim to ensure that all pupils:
- Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately
- Reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing argument, justification or proof using mathematical language appropriate for their age
- Can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions.
Teaching for maths mastery enables our children to live out our school SPIRIT by showing:
Perseverance & Inquisitiveness
At Horbury St Peter’s and Clifton, we intend to teach for mastery by:
- Ensuring all pupils receive a high quality mathematics education, through quality first teaching
- Ensuring all pupils develop fluency in the fundamentals of mathematics and have the ability to recall and apply knowledge efficiently
- Encouraging pupils to become inquisitive learners, who are curious, ask questions and are not afraid to take risks.
- Developing learners who can reason mathematically, solve problems and use mathematical language appropriately
All teachers:
- Know where their children are through the use of concise formative and summative assessments, understanding of their prior learning, targeted questioning and maths talk
- Understand where the children need to be through a secure understanding of the year group expectations and/or pre-key stage expectations
- Know how they are going to get them there through the use of a range of strategies to promote independence, mastery and high expectations of ALL pupils
- Effectively deploy adults, specifically during introductions, plenaries and intervention sessions
- Plan for progression during and between lessons
- Follow the White Rose Maths Calculation Policy, which is available to view on the school website, to support the mastery approach
- Offer opportunities for children to develop their fluency skills through starter activities
- Develop their children’s arithmetic skills through weekly arithmetic tests (Y1- Y6), which helps to identify and address gaps in learning
In addition to the above, Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) teachers:
- Provide frequent, rich and varied opportunities for children to build and apply a strong understanding of number, shape, space and measure through focussed White Rose Maths Hub activities and continuous provision, embedded within a language-rich environment.
As a result of our maths teaching, our children:
- are fully engaged in a variety of mathematical challenges during lessons, which deepen their understanding
- can talk confidently using mathematical vocabulary to reason and explain
- recognise and work with the many different representations number can be presented in (concrete, pictorial and abstract)
- have their learning closely monitored through a range of formative and summative strategies to help identify gaps and address appropriately.
Throughout our school we use the concrete, pictorial, abstract method to allow our pupils to develop a deep understanding of maths and encourage mastery learning.
A 'Find Out Friday' challenge - helping 3 monkeys work out how many nuts they got each.
Y3 children working on multiplication and division.
Children in Upper Foundation measuring how far they could jump with sticks!
Y2 using trundle wheels, tape measures, metre rulers and their our own rulers to measure things. They chose which tool would be the best to use for different things!
Y1 used knowledge of 2D shapes and their properties to find, make and describe irregular 2D shapes. They had fun in a game describing a shape to their partner sat back to back for them to draw it just from the description of it's properties.