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St Peter's and Clifton CE VC Primary School

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Breakfast Club

Come and join us for a fun filled 80 minutes at Breakfast Club, where you can enjoy a wide range of activities and games.


For breakfast, you can have a selection of cereals or toast (sausage sandwiches on Fridays 😋) to prepare you for the day ahead!


We are open from 7.30am @ £5.00 per session. Booking is essential.  Payment is under the 'School Meal' payment item on ParentPay. 
(NB : Prices will increase to £5.50 from Feb 2025 w/c 24th Feb)
If you require any further information or to book, please contact :-




Breakfast Club must be booked in advance via the school office as places are limited in line with staffing quotas.  Please email to request a place.  This is essential even if it is only a single one off booking.

Bookings can be continuous (rolling) regular bookings or may be variable dependent on work patterns or other random requirements.  All we ask is that you inform us as far in advance as possible in order to avoid disappointment.  Please can you also to let us know asap if you do not require a pre-booked session so we can release this place for another child.


Please note:

Failure to cancel unwanted places may still incur a charge.

A place being available at BF Club is dependent on payment being made in advance.  Where no payment is received we reserve the right to refuse admission to BF Club and you may have to take your child home therefore please do not send your child to the door unaccompanied.


Use of Childcare Vouchers for payment

We hope to see you soon!
The Breakfast Club Team.