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St Peter's and Clifton CE VC Primary School

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Special Message Videos

Staff Easter Message


Lower Foundation (Morning) Message


Upper Foundation Video



Year 1 Message


Year 2 Message


Year 3 Message

Some of our Y3's have recorded a message for their friends. You can view it here.


Year 4 Message

A message from some of our Year 4's to say 'HI' to their friends during lock down.

Hope everyone is staying safe! View the video here.


Year 5 Message

Some of our Y5 children have made a video, encouraging others to reach out to their family & friends during this difficult time of social isolation. Friendships and staying connected is so important for a child's emotional wellbeing. It helps them increase their self esteem, gives them confidence and ensures they do NOT feel alone. a friend is just 'one call away', one online hangout, one letter, one text. Stay home, stay safe, stay connected. You can watch the video here

Year 6 Message

Some of the children in Y6 have made a lockdown video for their friends. You can view it here.
