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St Peter's and Clifton CE VC Primary School

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Religious Education (R.E.)


At Horbury St Peter's and Clifton Primary School, our Religious Education curriculum follows the Wakefield agreed syllabus, and it aims to challenge children to learn about a range of religions and non-religious worldviews whilst also considering the big questions of life. When planning and teaching we consider the school vision and our SPIRIT values that support this:


Service – To think about what service looks like at school, in the community, in our country and the wider world.


Perseverance – To learn from the great prophets and religious people of the world and how they persevered to tell people their message.


Inquisitive – To ask questions about a range of religions, beliefs, non-religions and the big questions of life.


Respectful – To treat everyone with kindness and to learn from extraordinary people who set a good example.


Inspirational – To be amazed by the acts of people, in all religions worldwide.


Trust – To look at examples of great trust in different faiths worldwide.


At our school we want to ensure that our children go out into the world with the knowledge and skills to understand the beliefs of others and live in today’s diverse and ever-changing world.



We use a range of strategies to allow our children to think and consider the big questions that the RE curriculum brings. We aim to ensure that all thinking and reflection time is purposeful and leads to deeper learning. To ensure that this happens, we are mindful of thinking and reflection when planning units of work that consider big questions. Approaches such as,  storytelling, learning about and from other religions and non-religions, discussions, being inspired by influential people and philosophy for children enable teachers to carefully form questions that will encourage deep thinking and active response.



Our RE curriculum is a large part of what we do as a school and the children love the way it opens up lines of enquiry and enables them to have deep discussions. Our children truly love RE and are always excited to find out about the lives and beliefs of others. Feedback from the most recent pupil voice survey indicates that the curriculum intent is successful. Pupils said that they enjoyed learning ‘lots of new facts’ in RE and ‘getting involved in discussions’. They feel that they make good progress in RE and that this is evident through teacher feedback and ‘being able to take part in a discussion and know what you’re talking about’. Pupils feel that they have an opportunity to speak and express an opinion without fear of ridicule or any sense of embarrassment.

We regularly visit St Peter's Church in Horbury. You can see details of our visits here and on our class pages. 

Spirited Arts


Chinese New Year

Upper foundation have enjoyed learning about Chinese New Year celebrations. They talked about similarities and differences between their own Christmas and new year celebrations and Chinese New Year celebrations. They made Chinese lanterns and dragons and had a go at creating a dragon parade.




Diwali - Hindu Festival


We have been learning about a special Hindu festival called Diwali.  We have looked in non fiction books to find out about how the festival is celebrated.  We have enjoyed making Diva lamps, Mendhi patterns, Rangoli patterns and retelling the story of Rama and Sita with the Diwali small world figures.  


The Muslim Qur'an - How to show respect posters

Judaism and the Torah

In KS1, we’ve been learning about Judaism and how the Torah is treated. We learned how precious the holy book is, so we decided to make our own filled with rules on how to make the world a better place. 


The five pillars of Islam
