Welcome to Lower Foundation Stage
In our lower foundation stage we have up to 26 children in two sessions; one in the morning from 8:45-11:45 and the afternoon session from 12:30-3:30.
The staff members are Mrs Suzanne Shires the teacher and Mrs Julia Davys the nursery nurse.
We are learning through exploring, investigating and playing. The day is broken up into sessions and includes phonics, maths and story done in groups and free play sessions. During the free play sessions, Mrs Shires and Mrs Davys work with the children to achieve objectives that are focused and unique to each child.
Whilst your child is on their exciting journey through lower foundation stage they will be developing their self help skills and independence. You can help them with this by encouraging them to :-
We ask that you send your child with a water bottle that is named and their book bag every day. If your child is going to require spare clothes please put them in a named bag and hang it on your child’s peg. If your child requires help with toileting please see Mrs Shires
This half term we have enjoyed learning about new life. We have looked at how caterpillars grow and are excitedly waiting for our caterpillars to grow into butterflies. Look how big they are!
We enjoyed a French session of The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
We have learnt that flowers need sun and water to grow. The tiny seed is planted and then it grows bigger and bigger.
We have now moved on to learning about Easter. An Easter egg hunt will help us learn to count and we'll be bringing home a chocolate egg! The book corner has a variety of Easter books so we can learn how important Easter is to Christians.
Can you guess what our next topic will be?
The ladderless window cleaning company!! Having fun on World Book Day.
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