Earth Day is a day when we think about changes in our own lives to promote energy conservation, recycling, and giving back to the community, and learning about the importance of taking personal responsibility for our planet. During the day all children from Nursery to Year 6 took take part in environmental activities. Children came to school in non-uniform and dressed in Earth colours - blue, green, brown.
Nursery planted grass seeds and wildflower seeds in our environment. We discussed the importance of recycling paper, plastic and metal and the why it is important to put litter in the bin to protect our planet.
In Upper Foundation Stage we have enjoyed making 'seed bombs' today as part of our Earth Day celebrations. We ripped up paper and soaked it until it went mushy. We then rolled this with some wild flower seeds to create little seed bombs. We have taken them home to brighten up our world!
Year 1 took part in a litter survey and litter pick in and around our local area. We found lots of litter in our school grounds and then carried out a survey of litter along the High Street in Horbury. We were quite sad and shocked at how much litter we found and we all want to do something about it. We also read 'Planet full of Plastic' - a book which showed us how much plastic is on our planet and what it can do to our wildlife and our oceans.
What a super day in Year 2 becoming superheroes and creating posters to help save our planet. The future of our planet is in our hands and we learnt all sorts of things we can do to help!