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St Peter's and Clifton CE VC Primary School

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3/4WH - Mrs Wood / Homer

Our Class Motto is:


"We try our best, and help the rest"

Daily Routines

Change reading books or at least bring them into school with your reading record. To change a book simply place it in the ‘Reading Books to Change’ box. Both adults and children can write in reading records. Children must read with an adult before their book is changed.

Please bring a water bottle freshly filled with water. Learning is thirsty work!


8:50 Children complete work on spelling, punctuation and grammar, or multiplication. Alternatively, they may edit or improve some work before the main lessons begin. During this working time, the register is taken and school dinners chosen.

9:10 Guided reading as a whole class.

9:35 English lesson.

10:20 Collective Worship in the main hall.

10:45 Break time. Children can eat a snack of fruit or a vegetable.

11:00 Mathematics lesson.

12:00 Lunch.

1:00 Afternoon lessons start.

2:20 Afternoon break.

3:30 Home time.


Weekly Routines


  • Change Library books



  • P.E lesson. School P.E kit including trainers is needed.
  • Spelling test. Children need to bring green spelling books into class.
  • New spellings are given to the children.



  • P.E lesson. School P.E kit including trainers is needed.
  • Homework should be handed in today and placed in the homework tray. Children are responsible for putting their homework in the tray and can do so at any time during the week.



  • New homework is handed out today.

World Book Day - March 2019

Maths Problem Solving - cutting out nets and matching them up to make a 3D shape.
