*** UPDATED - New Activities added below *** (15th Jul 2020)
Transition Activities & Information
Please see below for information about your new year group and for activities to practise over the summer holidays in preparation for moving to Y1 :-
*** UPDATED - New Activities added below *** (3rd Jul 2020)
These are not essential tasks and simply ‘ideas’ for you to try at home. We do not want parents to feel pressured in any way to follow a school timetable during this strange time. Have fun, spend quality time together and learn through play!
We would love to see what you have been up to at home and we are here for you to contact for support.
Thanks and best wishes,
The Foundation Stage team.
Summer 2, Week 6 (w/c 6th July)
Under the Sea - At the seaside
- Have a look in a non- fiction book about the seaside or look at the PowerPoint – Seaside (see below). Can you talk about what the seaside looks like? What can you do there? Have you been to the seaside before? Can you talk about your experiences?
- Read any books you have at home! The more reading the better. Can you read to each person in your house?
- Keep practising phase 3 and 4 phonics
- Suggested resources: letters and sounds website/ phonics play website / teach your monster to read app/ phonics flashcards/hairy letters app
- Letters and sounds now have a channel on YouTube where phonics videos will be uploaded every weekday. Letters and sounds is the scheme we use in our school. This will be a good opportunity for children to practise their blending and segmenting skills and build on their phonic knowledge at home. Daily videos will be uploaded at 10am for Upper Foundation Stage children and an additional top up video will be available at 11.am for children needing extra help with blending. Click on the following link to subscribe - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP_FbjYUP_UtldV2K_-niWw/channels?view_as=public
Writing ideas
- Write a list of things you would take to the beach
- Look at the worksheet - At the beach (see below). What can you see on the beach? Can you write some sentences about the picture? Don’t forget your finger spaces!
- Imagine you are on holiday and go for a trip to the beach. Can you write a postcard about visiting the beach? What did you do at the beach? What was the weather like? Did you have a picnic? Did you go in the sea? Can you draw a beach picture for your postcard? Use the postcard sheet below.
Maths: sharing
- Can you share an equal number of objects between yourself and another person? Can you share different amounts?
- Try this sharing game https://pbskids.org/curiousgeorge/busyday/dogs/
- Can you challenge yourself to work out the sharing problems? Use counters or objects to help you work out the answers. (see below)
Creative ideas
- Draw a picture of an animal you might find in a rock pool
- Design an outfit you might wear at the beach
- Listen to different styles of music
- Learn a new action song
- Sing tricky word songs (YouTube)
- Perform songs for your family
- Learn the song 'I do like to be beside the seaside'. You can find this song on YouTube.
Understanding the World
- Can you make a boat from any empty containers you have at home? Does it float? How many 10p coins will it hold before it sinks?
Physical development
- Practise running / jogging/ hopping and skipping. Can you think of other ways to move?
- Make an obstacle course using objects in your garden or house
- Practise dribbling, rolling, throwing and catching a ball, keeping it under control
RE: What is special about our world?
- Talk about things we find interesting in our world.
- What are your favourite things about nature?
- What do you think is special about our world?
- Go on a walk in your local area with the people who live in your house. Make a list of all the things you see which you think are wonderful or special.
- Create a collage or picture when you get home of all the special things you saw. You could also collect some special items on your walk to add to your collage such as, leaves of all different colours.
Attachments :-
Summer 2, Week 7 (w/c 13h July)
We have suggested some activities below for you to complete at home to help you prepare for year 1. We hope you have enjoyed your time in Upper Foundation and are looking forward to starting year 1.
- Read any books you have at home! The more reading the better. Can you read to each person in your house?
- Try reading the 100 high frequency words and phase 2, 3 and 4 tricky words.
- Keep practising phase 3 and 4 phonics
- Suggested resources: letters and sounds website/ phonics play website / teach your monster to read app/ phonics flashcards/hairy letters app.
- Can you design an ‘All about Me’ book for your new teacher in September? You could draw a picture of yourself, draw and label a picture of your friends and describe what you like to play with.
- Keep writing your name, labels, captions and sentences. Remember to use your phonics knowledge and remember finger spaces, capital letters and full stops.
- Try writing phase 2, 3 and 4 tricky words.
- Try writing the 100 high frequency words.
- Keep practising your letter formation. The more you practise the better you will get at forming all your letters.
- Count backwards and forwards. Can you count to 100?
- Practise counting in 10s, 2s and 5s
- Try the maths challenges (see below)
- Practise number formation
*** UPDATED - New Activities added below *** (19th June 2020)
Summer 2, Week 4 (w/c 22nd June)
Under the Sea -Tiddler
- Read the story of 'Tiddler – The Story Telling Fish' by Julia Donaldson. If you do not have this book at home you can watch a video of the story on YouTube or alternatively look at the resources for the story on Twinkl.co.uk. You can of course read a different under the sea themed book.
- Read any books you have at home! The more reading the better. Can you read to each person in your house?
- Keep practising phase 3 and 4 phonics
- Suggested resources: letters and sounds website/ phonics play website / teach your monster to read app/ phonics flashcards/hairy letters app
- Letters and sounds now have a channel on YouTube where phonics videos will be uploaded every weekday. Letters and sounds is the scheme we use in our school. This will be a good opportunity for children to practise their blending and segmenting skills and build on their phonic knowledge at home. Daily videos will be uploaded at 10am for Upper Foundation Stage children and an additional top up video will be available at 11.am for children needing extra help with blending. Click on the following link to subscribe - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP_FbjYUP_UtldV2K_-niWw/channels?view_as=public
Writing ideas
- Have a look at a non-fiction book, google or a twinkl PowerPoint about sea creatures.
- Create a fact file about some of your favourite sea creatures.
- You could draw a picture and label it. You could write some captions (short sentences). What colour is your creature? What does it look like? How does it move? What does it eat?
- Keep writing your name, labels and captions
Maths: Distance and position
- Distance: Make a ramp with an object in your house. Roll a car or ball down the ramp and mark where it stops. Roll a few more down the ramp. Which car/ball travelled the furthest? You could measure how far the items rolled in non-standard measurement such as; how many footprints did it travel? How many sticks did it travel?
- Position: Use a toy such as a teddy. Listen to instructions from a grown up. Can you place the teddy under the table, on top, next to, behind, in front?
Creative ideas
- Can you make a sea creature? Choose one of your favourite creatures from under the sea and make a representation of it using materials you have at home.
- Make an under the sea picture using playdough/pens/paint.
- Listen to different styles of music
- Learn a new action song
- Sing tricky word songs (YouTube)
- Perform songs for your family
- Learn the Under the Sea Song – ‘A hole in the bottom of the sea’ you can find this on YouTube.
Physical development
- Practise running / jogging/ hopping and skipping. Can you think of other ways to move?
- Make an obstacle course using objects in your garden or house
- Practise dribbling, rolling, throwing and catching a ball, keeping it under control
RE: What is special about our world?
- Talk about things we find interesting in our world.
- What are your favourite things about nature?
- What do you think is special about our world?
- Go on a walk in your local area with the people who live in your house. Make a list of all the things you see which you think are wonderful or special.
- Create a collage or picture when you get home of all the special things you saw. You could also collect some special items on your walk to add to your collage such as, leaves of all different colours.
Summer 2, Week 5 (w/c 29th June)
Under the Sea - Sharing a Shell
- Read the story of, Sharing a shell by Julia Donaldson. Discuss the feelings of each character as the story progresses. If you do not have this book at home you can watch a video of the story on YouTube or alternatively look at the resources for the story on Twinkl.co.uk. You can of course read a different under the sea themed book.
- Read any books you have at home! The more reading the better. Can you read to each person in your house?
- Keep practising phase 3 and 4 phonics
- Suggested resources: letters and sounds website/ phonics play website / teach your monster to read app/ phonics flashcards/hairy letters app
- Letters and sounds now have a channel on YouTube where phonics videos will be uploaded every weekday. Letters and sounds is the scheme we use in our school. This will be a good opportunity for children to practise their blending and segmenting skills and build on their phonic knowledge at home. Daily videos will be uploaded at 10am for Upper Foundation Stage children and an additional top up video will be available at 11.am for children needing extra help with blending. Click on the following link to subscribe - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP_FbjYUP_UtldV2K_-niWw/channels?view_as=public
Writing ideas
- After reading the story of Sharing a Shell by Julia Donaldson, identify some of the rhyming words in the story. Can you now write a list of rhyming words? Cat, mat, bat, sat…
- Can you match the rhyming words on the worksheet? (below)
- Keep writing your name, labels and captions
Maths: counting in 2’s, 5’s, 10’s/number bonds
- Can you count in 2’s, 10’s and 5’s? Practise one of these times tables this week. Using a number line or 100 square can sometimes help to understand the pattern in these times tables.
- Number bonds to 10 – Can you complete the number bonds to 10 worksheet? (below).
- Why not challenge yourself to try number bonds to 20.
Creative ideas
- Can you make some puppets to match the characters in the story Sharing a Shell?
- Listen to different styles of music
- Learn a new action song
- Sing tricky word songs (YouTube)
- Perform songs for your family
- Perform the Under the Sea Song – ‘A hole in the bottom of the sea’. You can find this on YouTube.
Physical development:
- Practise running / jogging/ hopping and skipping. Can you think of other ways to move?
- Make an obstacle course using objects in your garden or house
- Practise dribbling, rolling, throwing and catching a ball, keeping it under control.
RE: What is special about our world?
- Talk about things we find interesting in our world.
- What are your favourite things about nature?
- What do you think is special about our world?
- Go on a walk in your local area with the people who live in your house. Make a list of all the things you see which you think are wonderful or special.
- Create a collage or picture when you get home of all the special things you saw. You could also collect some special items on your walk to add to your collage such as, leaves of all different colours.
*** UPDATED - New Activities added below *** (5th June 2020)
Summer 2, Week 2 (8th June)
Under the Sea
Sun Safety
- Research how to keep safe in the sun. Look at the Sun Safety PowerPoint (below) to help you to find out about keeping safe in the sun.
- Read any books you have at home! The more reading the better. Can you read to each person in your house?
- Keep practising phase 3 and 4 phonics
- Suggested resources: letters and sounds website/ phonics play website / teach your monster to read app/ phonics flashcards/hairy letters app
- Letters and sounds now have a channel on YouTube where phonics videos will be uploaded every weekday. Letters and sounds is the scheme we use in our school. This will be a good opportunity for children to practise their blending and segmenting skills and build on their phonic knowledge at home. Daily videos will be uploaded at 10am for Upper Foundation Stage children and an additional top up video will be available at 11.am for children needing extra help with blending. Click on the following link to subscribe - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP_FbjYUP_UtldV2K_-niWw/channels?view_as=public
Writing ideas
- Make a sun safety poster. How can we keep ourselves safe in the sun? Draw some pictures and write some top tips.
- Keep writing your name, labels and captions
Maths: Weight and Capacity
- Select two items from your house and hold one each hand. Talk about which one is heavier/lighter than the other? Can you put some items in order from heaviest to lightest?
- Ask a grown up to give you an object. Can you find something heavier/lighter than the object?
- Use containers from your kitchen to measure capacity. Which container holds the most? Which container holds the least? To measure the capacity of the containers, you could use, water, paste, rice
Creative ideas
- Design and create your own sun hat or sunglasses.
- Listen to different styles of music
- Learn a new action song
- Sing tricky word songs (YouTube)
- Perform songs for your family
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1Qn2bcZRTo learn the Under the Sea Song – ‘A hole in the bottom of the sea'
Physical development
- Practise running / jogging/ hopping and skipping. Can you think of other ways to move?
- Make an obstacle course using objects in your garden or house
- Practise dribbling, rolling, throwing and catching a ball, keeping it under control
RE: What is special about our world?
- Talk about things we find interesting in our world.
- What are your favourite things about nature?
- What do you think is special about our world?
- Go on a walk in your local area with the people who live in your house. Make a list of all the things you see which you think are wonderful or special.
- Create a collage or picture when you get home of all the special things you saw. You could also collect some special items on your walk to add to your collage such as, leaves of all different colours.
Summer 2, Week 3 (w/c 15th June)
Under the Sea
The Rainbow Fish
- Read the story of The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister. If you do not have this book at home you can watch a video of the story on YouTube or alternatively look at the resources for the story on Twinkl.co.uk. You can of course read a different under the sea themed book. When you are reading the story of The Rainbow Fish, have a think about how you can be a good friend. When you are kind to your friends and share, how does it make you feel?
- Read any books you have at home! The more reading the better. Can you read to each person in your house?
- Keep practising phase 3, 4, 5 phonics
- Suggested resources: letters and sounds website/ phonics play website / teach your monster to read app/ phonics flashcards/hairy letters app
- Letters and sounds now have a channel on YouTube where phonics videos will be uploaded every weekday. Letters and sounds is the scheme we use in our school. This will be a good opportunity for children to practise their blending and segmenting skills and build on their phonic knowledge at home. Daily videos will be uploaded at 10am for Upper Foundation Stage children and an additional top up video will be available at 11.am for children needing extra help with blending. Click on the following link to subscribe - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP_FbjYUP_UtldV2K_-niWw/channels?view_as=public
Writing ideas
- Write a list of how to be a good friend after reading the story of The Rainbow Fish. Take turns, share toys, give hugs, use kind words etc.
- Draw the Rainbow Fish and label it. Fins, tail, scales etc.
- Keep writing your name, labels and captions
Maths: Addition and Subtraction
- Create some fish with numbers on them cut out of paper. Use these to play a fishing game – ‘fish’ for two numbers. Use these to create an addition or subtraction problem. Fish out two fish, numbers 5 and 2 for example. Create a number sentence – 5+2= and work out the answer. You may need some objects to help you work out the answer.
Creative ideas
- Use materials you have available to you in your home to make a rainbow fish. This could be loose parts such as Lego or beads, collage materials like sweet wrappers stuck in place, playdough or paints. We would love to see what you create!
- Listen to different styles of music
- Learn a new action song
- Sing tricky word songs (YouTube)
- Perform songs for your family
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1Qn2bcZRTo Learn the Under the Sea Song – ‘A hole in the bottom of the sea’
Physical development
- Practise running / jogging/ hopping and skipping. Can you think of other ways to move?
- Make an obstacle course using objects in your garden or house
- Practise dribbling, rolling, throwing and catching a ball, keeping it under control
RE: What is special about our world?
- Talk about things we find interesting in our world.
- What are your favourite things about nature?
- What do you think is special about our world?
- Go on a walk in your local area with the people who live in your house. Make a list of all the things you see which you think are wonderful or special.
- Create a collage or picture when you get home of all the special things you saw. You could also collect some special items on your walk to add to your collage such as, leaves of all different colours.
*** UPDATED - New Activities added below *** (26th May 2020)
Summer 2, Week 1 (w/c 1st June)
The season of summer
- Introduce the topic of summer this week. Research using an iPad/computer or book about summer. ALWAYS use technology with parental supervision. Questions to consider thinking about:
- What happens in the season of summer? - What kind of clothes do we wear in summer? -What might we eat during summer? -Where might we spend some time in the summer?
- If you use a non-fiction book or online PowerPoint (twinkl), discuss the features of a non-fiction book. (Contents page, index, glossary, page numbers, photographs, labels, headings, sub-headings, facts, bullet points)
- Read any books you have at home! The more reading the better. Can you read to each person in your house?
- The following link has online books for you to access - https://www.getepic.com/
- Keep practising phase 3, 4 phonics
- Suggested resources: letters and sounds website/ phonics play website / teach your monster to read app/ phonics flashcards/hairy letters app
- Letters and sounds now have a channel on YouTube where phonics videos will be uploaded every weekday. Letters and sounds is the scheme we use in our school. This will be a good opportunity for children to practise their blending and segmenting skills and build on their phonic knowledge at home. Daily videos will be uploaded at 10am for Upper Foundation Stage children and an additional top up video will be available at 11.am for children needing extra help with blending. Click on the following link to subscribe - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP_FbjYUP_UtldV2K_-niWw/channels?view_as=public
Writing ideas
- Can you draw and label a summer picture? Your summer picture could include
- A beach or park scene
- Birds, insects, animals
- Ice cream, ice lollies, BBQ
- Flowers, trees, paddling pool
- Sunglasses, Buckets, spades -Sandcastles, crabs, sunshine
- Keep writing your name, labels and captions
- Keep practising formation
Maths - Time and More than/less than focus
- Can you talk about what you do at different times throughout the day? What time do you wake up? What do you do at 12 O’clock? What time do we have tea?
- Make a book to show the order of your day. You could add times of the day for each activity.
- Can you use a clock in your house to tell the O’clock times and half-past times? Where should the hands be?
- Use a number line to help you to say ‘one more’ or ‘one less’ than a number. Ask a member of your family to say a number and then tell them ‘one more’ or ‘one less than the number.
Creative ideas
- Make a sun catcher using a paper plate – cut out the middle, use sticky back plastic or a plastic wallet in the middle, stick on flowers, leaves, sparkly decorations, hang in the window (photos for examples on google)
- Chop up fruit and make a fruit salad/fruit kebabs.
- Listen to different styles of music
- Learn a new action song
- Sing tricky word songs (YouTube)
- Perform songs for your family
Physical development
- Practise running / jogging/ hopping and skipping. Can you think of other ways to move?
- Make an obstacle course using objects in your garden or house
- Practise dribbling, rolling, throwing and catching a ball, keeping it under control
RE - What is special about our world?
- Talk about things we find interesting in our world.
- What are your favourite things about nature?
- What do you think is special about our world?
- Go on a walk in your local area with the people who live in your house. Make a list of all the things you see which you think are wonderful or special.
- Create a collage or picture when you get home of all the special things you saw. You could also collect some special items on your walk to add to your collage such as, leaves of all different colours.
*** UPDATED - New Activities added below *** (16th May 2020)
Summer 1, Week 5 (w/c 18th May)
The Enormous Turnip
- Read any books you have at home!
- Read the story of The Enormous Turnip (available on Twinkl, youtube, cbeebies)
- Make a story tray for the story of The Enormous Turnip – puppets, mini vegetables, key words e.g. pull, next
- Keep practising phase 3 and 4 phonics – Suggested resources: letters and sounds website/ phonics play website / teach your monster to read app/ phonics flashcards
- Letters and sounds now have a channel on YouTube where phonics videos will be uploaded every weekday. Letters and sounds is the scheme we use in our school. This will be a good opportunity for children to practise their blending and segmenting skills and build on their phonic knowledge at home. Daily videos will be uploaded at 10am for Upper Foundation Stage children and an additional top up video will also be available at 11.am for children needing extra help with blending. Click on the following link to subscribe - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP_FbjYUP_UtldV2K_-niWw/channels?view_as=public
- The Phase 3 and Phase 4 morning starter activities power points have lots of different phonics tasks and you could chooses a different task to complete each day. Click on the links below:
Writing ideas
- Keep writing your name, labels and captions
- Letter formation
- Write the story of the Enormous turnip. Encourage children to do so as independently as possible. Can they remember the order of the characters? Use key words such as pull, next, man, girl, dog.
- Keep a daily diary – write a sentence about what you have done each day.
Maths: Estimation
- Estimate how many small objects are in a jar? What would be a sensible guess? Check your estimation by counting the objects
- Estimate how many jumps from one side of the garden to the other and then check by jumping
Creative ideas
- Plant a range of vegetables and observe how they grow.
- Use the senses to explore some vegetables – touch them, smell them, taste them, what do they look like?
- Make playdough vegetables
- Make an enormous paper Mache turnip!
- Listen to different styles of music
- Learn a new action song
- Sing tricky word songs (youtube)
- Perform songs for your family
Physical development
- Practise aiming at a target using balls or bean bags
- Practise running / jogging/ hopping and skipping
- Can you think of other ways to move?
- Play bat and ball games with a family member – practise taking turns
RE: Which places are special and why?
- Talk about somewhere that is special to you or your family and discuss why. Is it a holiday place or somewhere near home/in your home?
- Can you draw a picture of your special place?
- Talk about places of worship. Do you go to a Church, a Mosque or another place of worship?
*** UPDATED - New Activities added below *** (1st May 2020)
Summer 1, Week 3 (w/c 4th May)
The Gingerbread Man (Twinkl.co.uk have lots of resources available for this topic)
- Read the story of The Gingerbread Man (available on Twinkl, youtube, cbeebies)
- Read some recipes and follow them to bake some yummy treats
- Read any books you have at home!
- Keep practising phase 3 and 4 phonics – Suggested resources: letters and sounds website/ phonics play website / teach your monster to read app/ phonics flashcards.
- Letters and sounds now have a channel on YouTube where phonics videos will be uploaded every weekday. Letters and sounds is the scheme we use in our school. This will be a good opportunity for children to practise their blending and segmenting skills and build on their phonic knowledge at home. Daily videos will be uploaded at 10am for Upper Foundation Stage children and an additional top up video will also be available at 11.am for children needing extra help with blending. Click on the following link to subscribe - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP_FbjYUP_UtldV2K_-niWw/channels?view_as=public.
Writing ideas
- Keep writing your name, labels and captions
- Write a recipe for making Gingerbread Men – what are the ingredients you need? What are the steps you need to follow?
- Make a story map – draw pictures for each part of the story and some key words
Maths: Money
- Set up a bakery/shop in your house – pay for items from the bakery/shop using correct coins – encourage and challenge children to use various different coins to pay/think of different combinations to pay.
Creative ideas
- Follow the recipe you have written or a recipe from a cooking book
- Make a split pin gingerbread man with arms and legs which move
- Make stick puppets of the characters in the story and use them to do a puppet show
- Decorate a Gingerbread Man with repeating pattern buttons
- Listen to different styles of music
- Learn a new action song
- Sing tricky word songs (youtube)
- Perform songs for your family
Physical development
- Practise aiming at a target using balls or bean bags
- Practise running / jogging/ hopping and skipping
- Can you think of other ways to move?
- Play bat and ball games with a family member – practise taking turns
RE : Which places are special and why?
- Talk about somewhere that is special to you or your family and discuss why. Is it a holiday place or somewhere near home/in your home?
- Talk about places of worship. Do you go to a Church, a Mosque or another place of worship?
Summer 1, Week 4 (w/c 11th May)
The Three Billy Goats Gruff (Twinkl.co.uk have lots of resources available for this topic)
- Read the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff (available on Twinkl, youtube, cbeebies)
- Read any books you have at home!
- Keep practising phase 3 and 4 phonics – Suggested resources: letters and sounds website/ phonics play website / teach your monster to read app/ phonics flashcards.
- Letters and sounds now have a channel on YouTube where phonics videos will be uploaded every weekday. Letters and sounds is the scheme we use in our school. This will be a good opportunity for children to practise their blending and segmenting skills and build on their phonic knowledge at home. Daily videos will be uploaded at 10am for Upper Foundation Stage children and an additional top up video will also be available at 11.am for children needing extra help with blending. Click on the following link to subscribe - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP_FbjYUP_UtldV2K_-niWw/channels?view_as=public.
Writing ideas
- Keep writing your name, labels and captions
- The troll has gone missing!! Make a WANTED poster to describe what he looks like to help find him. The troll has big eyes… the troll has spots etc.
Maths: Number bonds to 10 or 20
- Think of different combinations of number bonds to make either 10 or 20
- There are lots of resources on Twinkl.co.uk to support learning about number bonds
Creative ideas
- Use Lego or wooden blocks to make a bridge for the billy goats
- Make a paper plate troll using paint, collage materials, googly eyes, pens
- Build a bridge in your garden/obstacle course
- Paint/draw the characters
- Make a raft for the billy goats to get across the water on instead of using the trolls bridge
- Listen to different styles of music
- Learn a new action song
- Sing tricky word songs (youtube)
- Perform songs for your family
Physical development
- Practise aiming at a target using balls or bean bags
- Practise running / jogging/ hopping and skipping
- Can you think of other ways to move?
- Play bat and ball games with a family member – practise taking turns
RE : Which places are special and why?
- Talk about somewhere that is special to you or your family and discuss why. Is it a holiday place or somewhere near home/in your home?
- Talk about places of worship. Do you go to a Church, a Mosque or another place of worship?
*** UPDATED - New Activities added below *** (20th Apr 2020)
Summer 1, Week 1 (w/c 20th Apr)
Traditional Tales
St George’s Day (https://www.twinkl.co.uk have lots of resources available for this topic)
- Research using an iPad/computer or book about St George’s day. The cbeebies website has lots of information/videos to watch. ALWAYS use technology with parental supervision.
- Twinkl has a free power point story which can be read on the computer or printed out.
- Read any books you have at home!
- Keep practising phase 3 and 4 phonics – Suggested resources: letters and sounds website/ phonics play website / teach your monster to read app/ Twinkl website / phonics flashcards
Writing ideas
- Retell the story of St George. What did he do? Was he brave?
- Draw a castle and label the different parts
- Keep writing your name, labels and captions
Maths: Shape focus
- Make shape castles using 2d or 3d shapes
- Tell a family member about the properties of a shape – how many sides/corners? Faces/corners?
- Sort the shapes according to properties – which shapes have 4 sides? Which shapes have curved sides? Etc.
Creative ideas
- Make a castle using toilet roll/kitchen roll tubes, glue, paint and decorations
- Make a shield like St George has
- Make a dragon out of playdough
- Dress as a knight and retell the story through imaginative play
- Make an England flag
- Listen to different styles of music
- Learn a new action song
- Sing tricky word songs (YouTube)
- Perform songs for your family
Physical development
- Practise aiming at a target using balls or bean bags
- Practise running / jogging/ hopping and skipping. Can you think of other ways to move?
- Play bat and ball games with a family member – practise taking turns
RE: Which places are special and why?
- Talk about somewhere that is special to you or your family and discuss why. Is it a holiday place or somewhere near home/in your home?
- Talk about places of worship. Do you go to a Church, a Mosque or another place of worship?
Summer 1, Week 2 (w/c 27th Apr)
The Three Little Pigs
- Read the story of The Three Little Pigs (available on Twinkl, YouTube, cbeebies)
- Discuss how the characters feel in the story at various different parts
- Read any books you have at home!
- Keep practising phase 3 and 4 phonics – Suggested resources: letters and sounds website/ Twinkl / phonics play website / teach your monster to read app/ phonics flashcards
- Writing ideas:
- Order pictures of The Three Little Pig story/Draw the pictures. Write some sentences about each part of the story.
- Pretend you are the Big Bad Wolf. Write a letter to the three little pigs to say sorry for blowing down their houses.
- Keep writing your name, labels and captions
Maths: Doubling
- Sing ‘Mr Double Trouble’ (YouTube song)
- Use counters/objects to double numbers 1-10
- Draw a ladybird and use its wings to double the number of spots
- There are lots of resources on Twinkl.co.uk to support learning about doubling numbers.
Creative ideas
- Use sticks, straw and bricks (or any other resources you may have at home) to experiment which materials are strong enough to build a house with. Test the materials by making a house out of them and then blowing them. Did your house stand tall or fall down?
- Make a box model house for the pigs to live in together at the end of the story.
- Retell the story by acting out the different parts. Pretend to be a pig/wolf. Think about how would your character talk/walk?
- Make puppets of the characters to retell the story with
- Listen to different styles of music
- Learn a new action song
- Sing tricky word songs (YouTube)
- Perform songs for your family
Physical development
- Practise aiming at a target using balls or bean bags
- Practise running / jogging/ hopping and skipping
- Can you think of other ways to move?
- Play bat and ball games with a family member – practise taking turns
RE: Which places are special and why?
- Talk about somewhere that is special to you or your family and discuss why. Is it a holiday place or somewhere near home/in your home?
- Talk about places of worship. Do you go to a Church, a Mosque or another place of worship?
*** UPDATED - New Activity added below *** (30th Mar 2020)
We hope you are all keeping well and enjoying the home learning activities. After the Easter holidays we will update the home leaning activities to help keep your child busy with their learning. New activities will be added each week so please keep checking. These will include mathematics, literacy and topic activities to cover learning for the half term.
Below is a new website link to develop phonics skills:
- Begin reading the Easter Story, then :
- Order 4 pictures/look at the book from the story and verbally talk about the events. Write key words to go with each picture.
- Extend this learning by writing sentences to match each picture.
- Read lots of books and discuss their setting, characters and events
- Retell stories using props
- Make story props
- Write regularly – name, phonics words, tricky words, captions, stories
- Patterns – Repeating patterns and symmetrical patterns
- Sharing and halving – use objects to practise sharing equally/practise halving using shapes and quantities
- Distance – use cars/balls to roll. Measure the distance they have travelled using non-standard measurement e.g. footsteps/twigs. Use language such as; far, near, further, close. Then use measuring equipment such as a ruler or tape measure to see how many cm the distance is.
- Capacity – use cups/measuring jugs to experiment with different capacities. Use language such as; full, half-full, empty, fill.
- Recap 2d and 3d shapes – name the shapes and discuss their properties. Use language such as sides, corners/vertices, faces
- Addition/subtraction – Use objects to add/subtract a number. Use a number line to count upwards or backwards to find the answer. Extend this learning with missing number problems such as; 5+?=10
- Time – use a clock to practise recognising and making 0’clock and Half past times
- Number recognition and counting
- Say one more or one less than a number
Understanding the World: (Resources on cbeebies for Easter)
- Why do we celebrate Easter? Show the children a video clip of the Easter story/Read the story. Discuss with the children what happened in the story; ask if the children can recap key parts of the story. What are their family experiences of celebrating Easter? Talk about how they may differ from other children.
Expressive arts and design:
- Make an Easter basket
- Decorate an egg
- Make an Easter card for family
- Baking
- Den making
- Dress up and role play
- Gardening
RE: Where do we belong?
- Retell religious stories and make connections with personal experiences.
- Share occasions that have made us feel special.
- Find out what happens at a traditional Christian baptism.
- Find out what happens when a baby is welcomed into Islam.
- Compare celebrations.
Physical development:
- Take regular breaks throughout the day to get fresh air and exercise in your garden.
- Use websites such as gonoodle and cosmic yoga to exercise.
- Keep practising letter formation.
- Use play dough, threading, jigsaws to support fine motor development.
- Practise throwing and catching a ball.
- Travel in different ways – skipping, hopping, jumping
Communication and Language:
- Read lots of stories and discuss the characters, setting and events
- Draw pictures and discuss what you have drawn
- Dress up and role play
Useful Website Links
www.twinkl.co.uk – useful for maths, phonics and literacy resources
www.topmarks.co.uk – useful for maths games
www.phonicsplay.co.uk – phonics games and activities – free during this period. USERNAME: march20 PASSWORD: home
www.letters-and-sounds.com – phonics resources – free
www.gonoodle.com - fun interactive sessions to keep you moving!
www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers - moving and learning at the same time
YouTube - cosmic yoga – relaxing yoga stories for children to join in
www.theimaginationtree.com – creative ideas for all ages
We hope that you and your families stay well over this time
The Foundation Stage team.