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Please download the app and try the activities at home. We would love to hear about activities you complete at home. Email photographs to your class teacher :-


Nursery -

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#9 Minibeasts & Bug hunting

Pear and Apple class worked together as a team as we developed our minibeast hotel in our playground  We helped each other by collecting dry leaves, sticks, bark and pinecones.  We then used our imagination and we discussed what sort of features would be ideal in a bug hotel.  We created a rock garden for the bees and butterflies and we and positioned a long piece of bark upright for the stairs.


#19 Growing - Little People, Plants and Things

We have planted a range of seeds and we are very excited to see how they grow. We know that the seeds will need sunlight, water and compost to grow. We hope our plants grow some healthy snacks for us to try! 


#10 Sharing books

We love spending time in our reading areas sharing favourite stories with friends. 


We have enjoyed looking for signs of winter in our outdoor environment.


#8 - Bubbles

We enjoyed watching bubbles float in the air and we tried to make giant bubbles!


#5 Squidgy sand

 We enjoyed making the Great Wall of China in the outdoor sand pit.


#34 - Woodland Wandering

As part of our new topic 'Into the Woods', class Acorns went on tree hunt around the school grounds.  We compared different trees and their leaves and we learned new vocabulary such as bark, trunk, Rowan, berries Horse Chestnut, conifer, leaves, Autumn, season, path. 

Acorns were lucky to be visited by West Yorkshire Police as part of our topic 'When I grow up'.  They were very excited to talk to police officers and had a turn at sitting at the front of a police car.  We tried on a range of different police helmets. We liked the loud siren! 

#48 - Natural Art

Our children have been connecting and exploring natural materials in the outdoor area.  We created natural art by using flower heads using autumnal colours. 


#25 - Creative Junk

We have enjoyed using different sized boxes and different materials to create a representation of our home.

