In Year 5/6, we encourage the children to be organised and prepared for each school day. Within these year groups we aim to develop their independence and organisational skills further. We appreciate your continued support in every aspect of your child’s learning.
Maths homework is set on a Thursday to be due back in school the following Thursday.
Every child has a log in for Mathletics and will be set weekly activities to complete. They should try to access the activities set as often as possible.
As a school we are focusing on ensuring all children know their times tables up to 12x12 and your help will be much appreciated with this as times table knowledge is essential and relied upon in many aspects of maths.
English homework is set on a Friday and is due back in school on the following Friday.
Spelling homework is set on Monday and these need to be learnt throughout the week and brought back to school the following Monday.
Reading records need to be in school every day and taken home every night so the children can read for at least 10 minutes a day with an adult. If they read to themselves, they must write a comment in their reading book so we can see that they have read independently.
Physical Education
In P.E. the children will be benefitting from specialised coaching during Friday’s PE session. PE kits need to be available in school on a Monday and Friday. Monday sessions require an indoor kit and Friday sessions require an outdoor kit.
Kit required for P.E:
Boys - White T-shirt and black shorts and trainers or pumps for outdoor games during summer and winter months. Warm navy/black tracksuit for outdoor games during the winter months.
Girls - White T-shirt, black shorts or cycling shorts (not nylon or lycra) and trainers or pumps for outdoor games during summer and winter months. Warm navy/black tracksuit for outdoor games during the winter months.
Please note earrings must be removed for PE or covered by tape provided by the parent.
Our Misson Statement
Eden Camp
We had a great time at Eden Camp learning about life during World War 2.
Click below to see our photos :-
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