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3 BEECH - Mrs Sadiq

Welcome to 3 Beech!


Your teacher is Mrs Sadiq


You can find out what we are currently learning on our Curriculum Newsletter.


The Common Beech Tree

‘Monumental, majestic, home to rare wildlife. Beech is an enchanting species and known as the queen of British trees. To wander beneath the leafy canopy, its cathedral-like branches spreading upwards, is an awe-inspiring experience.’



In school, we value the importance of reading and encourage every child to be a reader and develop a passion for books. We would appreciate your support in helping your child read a part of their home reader book every night. A grown up at home can sign their reading record and comment on which page they have read up to. Please return their home reader and reading record every day.

Every time your child read 5 times at home, they receive a raffle ticket which gives them the chance to win a bookmark of their choice at the end of each half term. All raffle tickets are kept throughout the year for the drawing of the grand prize at the end of the summer term.



Spelling Shed tasks are set every week to help the children learn new spellings. We encourage the children to complete the tasks each week. Spelling tests are conducted on a Monday and new spellings given out for the following week.

There is an expectation that the children access TT Rockstars for a short spell each week. Tasks are assigned depending on the numbers we are covering in class.

The children have login details for TT Rockstars and EdShed which can be found in the back of their reading record. These can be accessed at home and the children can earn certificates for earning points or completing tasks

If your child does not have internet access at home, please let me know so that I can support your child



This half term, outdoor PE is taking place on Monday and Thursday. The children should bring their PE kit in a bag and will get changed for PE at school on these days. Please send an appropriate outdoor PE kit.


Water bottles

We ask the children to drink water at regular intervals during the day so please provide them with a named, durable water bottle.


Thank you for your support and if you have any questions, please catch a member of staff at the end of the day.

Thank you,

Mrs Sadiq and Mrs Ashton.

Following instructions- Making a Woolly Mammoth

Stones, Bones and Homes artwork
