Tues, Weds, Thurs (various year groups)
Run by our sports coach there is a small fee per session (currently £3) via ParentPay. These clubs have limited availability and are released each half-term. The balance for the whole of the half-term must be paid in advance prior to the first session. By booking your child onto these clubs, you are giving your consent for them to attend.
Thurdays. There is a small fee per session (currently £3) via ParentPay. These clubs have limited availability and are released each half-term. The balance for the whole of the half-term must be paid in advance prior to the first session. By booking your child onto these clubs, you are giving your consent for them to attend.
Mondays and is managed by our own staff for which there is no charge. There are a few occasions throughout the year where they may attend a function such as Young Voices for which there will be a charge for a T-Shirt and family tickets or they may have the opportunity to take part in a concert either in school or externally.
Wednesdays. This club is run by the staff at St Peter’s Church in Horbury. The choir is an opportunity for your child to sing in a group, build confidence and learn more about what it means to be a chorister. The children will be walked up to church by church staff at 3.30pm and will be collected from church at 4.30pm by parents/carers.
Thursdays. This club is run by an outside provider (LINGOTOTS) and booking is made directly with them (current fee £4 per session). To book please follow the link here or scan the QR code on the poster below.