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6MA - Miss Allatt

Welcome to 6MA!


Miss Allatt - 

A big hello and welcome back to school! I hope you have all had a fantastic, safe summer and I look forward to a hard-working and exciting year ahead! Just a note to parents/carers that if there is anything at all that I can help with throughout the year, please don’t hesitate to ask!


In Year 6, we encourage the children to be organised and prepared for each school day. We aim to further develop their independence and organisational skills in order to help prepare them for their next step in education. Your continued support in every aspect of your child’s learning is always very much appreciated.


Important Information



English and Maths homework will be set on a Friday to be due back in school the following Thursday. Every child will be asked to write a reminder in their reading records of the tasks they have been assigned to complete.

New spellings will be given out each Monday and tested the following Monday.

It would be really appreciated if you could encourage your child to complete their homework at home to support their learning journey.



Every child has a log in for Mathletics and TT Rock Stars. They will be set weekly Mathletics activities to complete and should try to access the activities set as often as possible. As a school we have a focus on ensuring all children know their times tables up to 12x12 and your help will be much appreciated with this as times table knowledge is essential and relied upon in many aspects of maths. The children can access TT Rock Stars to help practise their tables at home.



Reading plays an important part in children’s learning and therefore we ask that your child reads for 20 minutes every day. It would be great if you could read with your child and for them to read on their own as well. Please don’t forget to fill in and sign their reading record and ensure reading records and books are in school every day! Each Friday, reading records will be checked and raffle tickets awarded for reading 5 lots of 20 minutes a week.



Our PE sessions will be on a Monday & Wednesday. These lessons will take place outside. Please send your child in their PE kit on PE days and they will stay in it all day.  All items should be named. Outdoor kit is required at the moment (white round neck PE top, black/dark jogging bottoms or shorts, trainers and a school jumper or cardigan).



This half-term we are studying the Romans. We will explore how the Roman empire has impacted on life in Britain. We will learn about the spread of the empire, the invasion of Britain and the eventual conquest.  

Sports Day

You can view all the Y6 Sports Day photos here.


We had a fantastic end to the half-term in class 6MA baking and decorating our 'Super Seasonal Biscuits'! In DT, we have been finding out about the importance of eating seasonally and have gained a greater understanding of where our food comes from. We have really enjoyed designing, making, evaluating and most importantly eating our biscuits! 

Christmas Performance

You can watch our Christmas performance here.

Since coming back to school after half term, we have been learning about and preparing for Remembrance Day. During our English lessons we have planned, written and performed fantastic war poems. In art, we have experimented with different media to produce a final piece of a poppy and we also created a wire poppy to plant on the 11th November. We have really impressed Miss Allatt with our use of our St Peter’s spirit by persevering to excel.  


You can listen to a selection of our war poems here.

We have really enjoyed our initial basketball sessions with a coach. We have learnt how to successfully dribble a ball and make passes using both chest and bounce passes. In our Wednesday PE sessions, we have begun practising for a cross-country competition. We have taken the lead during the warm-up to coach our classmates using super communication skills.  

Harvest Festival

Please visit the Video Resource Centre to watch our Harvest Festival.


World War II Day

Year 6 travelled back to the 1940’s and experienced WW2 in a day! You can read about it and view all the photos here.
We’ve had a very busy week in class 6MA! This week, in our maths lessons we have been tackling problem solver questions to help consolidate our learning on multiplication. In Science, we have had lots of fun making blood smoothies to help us understand the different components that our blood is made from. Well done to our award winners: reader, writer, mathematician and star of the week.  

PE - Hockey

We have been really enjoying our hockey sessions this half term. So far, we have learnt how to safely carry a hockey stick in the suitcase position, pass a ball using a push pass and a sweeping pass; we've also learnt how to intercept.  
Another great week in class 6MA! This week, in our science lessons we have been learning all about the function of the heart. In English, we have been writing a character description of Willie from our class novel Goodnight Mr Tom and we have made super progress with answering our VIPER reading questions. We also had lots of fun completing a Jo Wick’s workout in the classroom. A big well done to our award winners: reader, writer, mathematician and star of the week. 
What a fantastic week we’ve had in class 6MA. A big thank you for being superstars and always trying your best. Well done to our award winners: reader, writer, mathematician and star of the week. Also, thank you for sharing your trophies and for bringing in your family’s awards from the war. We have loved talking about our achievements and the achievements of others this week. 

Art - Lowry inspired landscapes

We’ve been busy bees and have produced Lowry inspired landscapes. We used pencil to draw the initial outline and then used pastel to add colour and bring our art to life. We are extremely proud of our finished pieces which are on display in school. 