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3WH - Mrs Wood / Mrs Hurndall

Hello and Welcome to Year 3WH smiley


Mrs Wood -

Mrs Hurndall -


It is the start of a brand new school year in what has been a strange time for all of us. Some of you may have been in school during the summer term whilst others will have been working from home. We are all ready to begin our time in Year 3 together and we are looking forward to getting to know each of you and watching you learn and grow.

We have two teachers in 3WH.


  • Mrs Wood - works Monday, Tuesday & alternate Wednesdays
  • Mrs Hurndall – works Thursday, Friday & alternate Wednesdays
  • Our teaching assistant is Mrs Gures, she will be working with us every morning.


Some information for parents:



Reading books can be changed regularly as before, please ensure an adult signs in the reading record to say that you have read at home and completed the book. You could write your own comment too about the book you have read. You can read other books of your own too and these can also be recorded in your reading record. Please have your reading book and record in school every day – we will provide you with a wipeable plastic zipper wallet to use to bring books home so that these can be cleaned easily between home and school.



We will be learning spellings from the Year 3 curriculum weekly. Please aim to learn these at home a few times per week. These will be tested on a Wednesday morning. We ask that you bring your spelling book in your plastic zipper wallet to school with you.



PE days this half term will be on a Tuesday and Thursday. Please send your child in their PE kit on PE days and they will stay in it all day. All items should be named. PE will take place outside so please wear appropriate warm clothing (hoodie/sweatshirt) and trainers.



Homework this half term – we won’t be sending homework sheets home. Please continue your learning at home by doing the following: regular reading, weekly spellings, Mathletics.


Please remember the teachers can be contacted via telephone or email should you have any questions :-


Thank you smiley

Sports Day

You can view all of the Y3 Sports Day photos here.


Christmas Performance

You can watch our video here.

Harvest Festival

Please visit the Video Resource Centre to watch our Harvest Video.


English - How to wash a Woolly Mammoth

This week in English we have been reading 'How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth'. As part of our instruction writing we washed our own animal (that had got covered in paint) and discussed the steps to wash our animal using imperative verbs. 

Topic - Stone Age

As part of our topic on Stone Age we became 'hunters' and 'gatherers'. We imagined we were living in Stone Age time and worked together to find animals to hunt and berries, nuts and plants to gather. 

Science - Rocks

In Science this week we have been testing rocks. We tested whether a rock was durable by scratching and used water to test whether a rock was permeable and dense. 
This week in Maths we have been recognising the value of a 3 digit number and partitioning. We have used practical equipment to make the numbers and breaking the number down into parts.

First week back!

We are having a super first week back! Here are some of our classroom displays in 3WH linked to our learning this half term. We will be learning about the 'Stone Age' in our topic lessons. Our English lessons will also link to our topic we will be reading books linked to the Stone Age, our first story is 'Stone Age Boy'. Our focus in Maths is number and place value. In Science we are learning about Rocks and Soils. 
