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Home Learning Activities



Just a gentle reminder that these activities listed below are suggestions for you to try at home. I do not want parents to feel pressured that their child has to complete every activity, please enjoy quality time together and have fun. I am here if you wish to contact me for support or to show me what you have been up to at home.

Miss Hill:


Best wishes

Miss R Hill


Summer 2, Week 6 (w/c 6th July)


Transition Week


Reading and Writing

  • To design an ‘All about me’ booklet to give to your new teacher in September. You could draw a picture of yourself, describe what foods you like to eat, draw your friends and what you like to play with.
  • Can you create a card or postcard for your new teacher.
  • Read, read and read as many books you have at home!
  • Explore both fiction and non-fiction books and identify the location of the author, title, blurb, title page, front cover etc.



  • Recap phase 1. Suggested activities include listening walks indoor and outdoor. Listen to what sounds you can hear around the house or the outdoor environment. Explore sounds played by musical instruments. Discuss words that rhyme or read lots of rhyming books. Explore making different sounds with using different areas of our body for example clapping, singing, whistling, tapping etc.
  • Keep practising phase 1 and 2 phonics – Suggested resources: letters and sounds website/ phonics play website / teach your monster to read app/ Twinkl website / phonics flashcards.
  • Recap phase 2 letter sounds, s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o , c, k, ck, e, u, r. Please access the link to support phoneme pronunciation
  • Introduce phase 2 letter sounds, h, b, f, ff. Find any objects around the house beginning and ending with these sounds.



  • Practise forming numerals 1-5.
  • Continue practising counting to 10 and beyond.
  • Practise counting on and backwards from a different number.
  • Explore different coins, 1p and 2p. Could you pretend you are a shopkeeper and purchase items?
  • Watch Numberblocks to support mathematical understanding. It is a wonderful tool to help your child understand and recognise the relationships between numbers. · For any other number activities please access nrich


Creative ideas

  • Make a portrait of yourself or your new teacher using a paper plate, string, paint, glue and googly eyes.
  • Listen to different genres of music.
  • Learn a new rhyme or action song.
  • Perform songs for your family


Physical Development

  • Practise running / jogging/ hopping and skipping. Can you think of other ways to move?
  • Please practise letter formation and name writing. Encourage your child to hold their pencil correctly using a tripod grip.
  • Practise forming different patterns such as diagonal lines, spots, wavy lines, spirals etc.




Summer 2, Week 7 (w/c 13th July)


Teddy Bears Picnic


Reading and Writing

  • Draw a picture of items of food you would like to take on a picnic.
  • Design bunting to have at a picnic.
  • Can write a shopping list for a Teddy Bear Picnic?
  • Read, read and read as many books you have at home!
  • Our story this week would have been ‘Teddy Bears Picnic’ which can be accessed via
  • Explore both fiction and non-fiction books and identify the location of the author, title, blurb, title page, front cover etc.



  • Keep practising phase 1 and 2 phonics – Suggested resources: letters and sounds website/ phonics play website / teach your monster to read app/ Twinkl website / phonics flashcards.
  • Recap phase 2 letter sounds, s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o , c, k, ck, e, u, r, h, b, f, ff. Please access the link to support phoneme pronunciation
  • Teach phonemes l, ll, ss. Can you find objects ending with theses phoneme? Have a go at forming these letters.
  • Practise oral blending CVC words.
  • Teach Phase 2 tricky words- no, go, to, I, into, the, she, he, we. · Learn the phase 2 tricky word song via



  • With adult support, order numbers on the Teddy Bear game via
  • Could you make a fruit salad for the picnic and talk about sharing and halving different fruits.
  • Follow a recipe to make a fairy cakes for the picnic. Discuss how many tablespoons of sugar or flour is needed for the recipe. What ingredients are heavy and which are light?


Creative ideas

  • Design and make a sandwich to have at a Teddy Bear Picnic.
  • Create a picnic basket using various materials such as card, cardboard box, glue or string.
  • Listen to different genres of music.
  • Learn a new rhyme or action song.
  • Perform songs for your family.


Physical Development

  • Practise running / jogging/ hopping and skipping. Can you think of other ways to move?
  • Letter formation and name writing.
  • Spread jam on sandwiches or toast with adult supervision.
  • Practise screwing and unscrewing lids on jars.
  • Pretend to make honey in the outdoors using mud and sticks.



*** UPDATED - New Activities added below ***  (19th June 2020)


Summer 2, Week 4 (w/c 22nd June)


The Snail and the Whale


Reading and Writing

  • With parental supervision research different types of whales using the Ipad/Computer and draw a picture of a whale. Have a go at labelling different parts of a whales body for example, eye, fin, flipper, mouth, blowhole.
  • Read, read and read as many books you have at home!
  • Our story this week would have been ‘The Snail and the Whale’ which can be accessed via
  • Can you pick out any rhyming words in the Snail and the Whale? Can you draw a poster of how to save the whales and other sea creatures in our oceans today, maybe you could discuss plastic pollution which is a huge impact in our oceans today.
  • Explore both fiction and non-fiction books and identify the location of the author, title, blurb, title page, front cover etc.



  • Recap phase 1.  Suggested activities include listening walks indoor and outdoor. Listen to what sounds you can hear around the house or the outdoor environment.  Explore sounds played by musical instruments.  Discuss words that rhyme or read lots of rhyming books.  Explore making different sounds with using different areas of our body for example clapping, singing, whistling, tapping etc. 
  • Keep practising phase 1 and 2 phonics – Suggested resources: letters and sounds website/ phonics play website / teach your monster to read app/ Twinkl website / phonics flashcards.
  • Recap phase 2 letter sounds, s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o  Please access the link to support phoneme pronunciation
  • Introduce phase 2 letter sounds, c, k and ck.  Find any objects around the house beginning with a c, k (cup, cat or kite)  and ending with a ‘ck’ phoneme (sock or clock).



  • Practise forming numerals 1-5.
  • Investigate different patterns. Can you create a repeating pattern using coloured blocks or Lego?  Alternatively, if you don’t have blocks, try repeating a pattern using coloured paper.
  • Discuss positional language, find any snails in the garden or in the outdoors and describe where they are?  Are they under any leaves?  Are they next to a plant?  Are they in front of you?
  • Watch Numberblocks to support mathematical understanding.  It is a wonderful tool to help your child understand and recognise the relationships between numbers.
  • For any other number activities please access nrich  


Creative ideas

  • Can you design a whale using blue paint or blue tissue paper, a paper plate, black card and white card?  Or, possibly create a whale or snail using a yoghurt pot, card, paint and googly eyes.
  • Listen to different genres of music.
  • Can you make a snail out of playdough? How large can you make the shell?
  • Learn a new rhyme or action song.
  • Perform songs for your family


Physical Development

  • Practise running / jogging/ hopping and skipping.  Can you think of other ways to move?
  • Please practise letter formation and name writing. Encourage your child to hold their pencil correctly using a tripod grip.
  • If you have any tweezers or pegs, have a go at pinching pom poms or cotton wool balls.



Summer 2, Week 5 (w/c 29th June)


We all go travelling by


Reading and Writing

  • With parental supervision, research how people travel around the world using an Ipad/computer. Can you draw different methods of transport, for example, a bus, train, aeroplane, car, ferry etc?
  • Draw a picture of where you would like to travel to.  Think about how you would like to get there?
  • Design a poster to advertise different methods of transport. Or, label an aeroplane or a train or even a car. 
  • Read, read and read as many books you have at home!
  • Our story this week would have been ‘We all go travelling by’ which can be accessed via and see if you can join in with the words.
  • Explore both fiction and non-fiction books and identify the location of the author, title, blurb, title page, front cover etc.



  • Keep practising phase 1 and 2 phonics – Suggested resources: letters and sounds website/ phonics play website / teach your monster to read app/ Twinkl website / phonics flashcards.
  • Recap phase 2 letter sounds, s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o , c, k, ck  Please access the link to support phoneme pronunciation
  • Teach phonemes e, u, r. Can you find objects beginning with theses phoneme?  Have a go at forming these letters.
  • Practise oral blending CVC words such as m-a-t (mat), d-o-g (dog), m-o-g (mog).
  • Teach Phase 2 tricky words- no, go, to, I, into, the.



  • Watch Numberblocks to support mathematical understanding.  It is a wonderful tool to help your child understand and recognise the relationships between numbers.
  • For any other number activities please access nrich  
  • Learn the names of common shapes and discuss how many sides and corners they have?  Can you make a train, car, bus or plane using different shapes?  In the outdoors, identify any shapes you can find on different vehicles and discuss their purpose for their shapes? For example, why are the wheels circular on a bus?
  • Practise counting on and backwards from any given number, for example, counting to 10 from number 4. 
  • Explore addition and subtraction. Please access where you can find useful resources.


Creative ideas

  • Design a paper aeroplane or other transport vehicles.
  • Can you design a train using different tubes or build a train track.
  • Listen to different genres of music.
  • Learn a new rhyme or action song.
  • Perform songs for your family


Physical Development

  • Practise running / jogging/ hopping and skipping.  Can you think of other ways to move?
  • Letter formation and name writing. 
  • Practise kicking and catching a ball. Have a go at aiming the ball to someone in your family.  How many can you catch?



*** UPDATED - New Activities added below ***  (5th June 2020)


Summer 2, Week 2 (w/c 8th June 2020)


Kipper’s Sunny Day


Reading and Writing

  • With parental supervision research the season summer using the Ipad/Computer and draw pictures of what summer means to you, for example what reminds you of summer? What do you enjoy the most about summer?
  • Read, read and read as many books you have at home!
  • Our story this week would have been ‘Kipper’s Sunny Day which can be accessed via
  • Explore both fiction and non-fiction books and identify the location of the author, title, blurb, title page, front cover etc.
  • Write an ice lolly recipe.



  • Recap phase 1. Suggested activities include listening walks indoor and outdoor. Listen to what sounds you can hear around the house or the outdoor environment. Explore sounds played by musical instruments. Discuss words that rhyme or read lots of rhyming books. Explore making different sounds with using different areas of our body for example clapping, singing, whistling, tapping etc.
  • Keep practising phase 1 and 2 phonics – Suggested resources: letters and sounds website/ phonics play website / teach your monster to read app/ Twinkl website / phonics flashcards.
  • Recap phase 2 letter sounds, s, a, t, p, i, n. Please access the link to support phoneme pronunciation
  • Find objects around the house beginning with a ‘s’ phoneme for example, sock, soap, sandals, soup, sofa, sink.



  • Practise forming numerals 1-5.
  • Have a selection of containers, bottles, jugs etc. Predict which container will hold the most/least amount of water. Fill the containers in a variety of different ways – ask your child which one is empty, almost empty, half full, almost full, full. Do any of the containers hold almost the same amount of water? How do you know? How will you find out?
  • Watch Numberblocks to support mathematical understanding. It is a wonderful tool to help your child understand and recognise the relationships between numbers. · For any other number activities please access nrich -


Creative ideas

  • Find a recipe and make ice lollies or design your own ice lolly using lollypop sticks, foam, glitter, card or paint.
  • Listen to different genres of music.
  • Learn a new rhyme or action song.
  • Perform songs for your family


Physical Development

  • Practise running / jogging/ hopping and skipping. Can you think of other ways to move?
  • Letter formation and name writing.
  • Practise playing a balancing game. Roll a dice, count how many spots are showing, see if you can balance on that many points. For example, if it lands on 2 spots you could balance on two legs, one leg and one arm; one hand and your bottom, etc. Three spots could mean balancing with two hands and one foot in the air. Six spots might be tricky though!



Summer 2, Week 3 (w/c 15th June 2020)


Commotion in the Ocean


Reading and Writing

  • With parental supervision, research any sea creature using the Ipad/Computer. Have a go at creating a poster or a fact file on your chosen sea creature. Have a think about where your sea creature lives or what they may eat.
  • Read, read and read as many books you have at home!
  • Our story this week would have been ‘Commotion in the Ocean’ which can be accessed via
  • Explore both fiction and non-fiction books and identify the location of the author, title, blurb, title page, front cover etc.
  • Draw and write the initial phonemes for each sea creature.



  • Keep practising phase 1 and 2 phonics – Suggested resources: letters and sounds website/ phonics play website / teach your monster to read app/ Twinkl website / phonics flashcards.
  • Recap phase 2 letter sounds, s, a, t, p, i, n. Please access the link to support phoneme pronunciation
  • Teach phonemes m, d, g, o. Can you find objects beginning with this phoneme? Have a go at forming these letters.
  • Practise oral blending CVC words such as m-a-t (mat), d-o-g (dog), m-o-g (mog).
  • Teach Phase 2 tricky words- no, go, to, I, into, the.



  • Watch Numberblocks to support mathematical understanding. It is a wonderful tool to help your child understand and recognise the relationships between numbers. · For any other number activities please access nrich
  • Practise counting on and backwards from any given number, for example, counting to 10 from number 4. · Explore addition and subtraction. Please access where you can find useful resources.


Creative ideas

  • Create a jellyfish using paper plate, tissue paper, string, paint or googly eyes.
  • Listen to different genres of music.
  • Learn a new rhyme or action song.
  • Perform songs for your family


Physical Development

  • Practise running / jogging/ hopping and skipping. Can you think of other ways to move?
  • Letter formation and name writing.
  • Practise kicking and catching a ball. Have a go at aiming the ball to someone in your family. How many can you catch?




*** UPDATED - New Activities added below ***  (17th May 2020)

Just a gentle reminder that these activities listed below are suggestions for you to try at home. I do not want parents to feel pressured that their child has to complete every activity, please enjoy quality time together and have fun. I am here if you wish to contact me for support or to show me what you have been up to at home.


Miss Hill:


Best wishes

Miss R Hill


Summer 1, Week 5 (w/c 18th May 2020)


Jack and the Beanstalk


Reading and Writing

  • Read the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. It can be found on YouTube, Twinkl or cbeebies.
  • Retell the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. What did Jack do? Who did Jack find at the top of the beanstalk? What was special about the beans? Why do you think Jack took the magic hen which laid the golden eggs?
  • Research where milk come from.
  • Read, read and read as many books you have at home!
  • Draw a beanstalk and characters from the story.
  • Write or read a recipe on something you would like to make. Perhaps you could take a picture/video of your wonderful cooking and show me.
  • Please keep practising writing your name. Twinkl have letter formation worksheets to support you.



  • Keep practising phase 1 and 2 phonics – Suggested resources: letters and sounds website/ phonics play website / teach your monster to read app/ Twinkl website / phonics flashcards.



  • Practise counting to 10 and beyond. Have a go at recognising numerals 0-10 and further. See if you can find any numbers around the house.
  • Measure plants in the garden.
  • Search the house for giant shoes and have a go at measuring the soles.
  • Collect leaves or twigs and have a go at describing their shape and size.
  • Have a go at adding small quantities together using objects. There are a lots of addition resources on Twinkl and You Tube.
  • Watch Numberblocks to support mathematical understanding. It is a wonderful tool to help your child understand and recognise the relationships between numbers.
  • For any other number activities please access


Creative ideas


Physical Development

  • Can you move like a giant? Can you run? Can you stride? Can you stomp? Can you climb?
  • Practise running / jogging/ hopping and skipping. Can you think of other ways to move?
  • With an adult, practise cutting using scissors. Have a go at cutting along simple lines or shapes.
  • Help with the washing and have a go at folding clothes or pairing socks together.



Half-Term Week (w/c 25th June 2020)

No home learning this week.



Summer 2, Week 1 (w/c 1st June 2020)


What is summer?

This half term we are exploring the topic ‘We’re going to the seaside’  where we will be finding out about how to keep safe in the sun, how we travel using different methods of transport and some sea life species.


Reading and Writing.

  • Watch the video via this link to find out how to keep safe in the sun.
  • Draw pictures to represent summer for example, sunglasses, sun lotion, parasol, beach towel etc.
  • Read, read and read as many books you have at home!
  • Write or read a recipe on something you would like to make. Perhaps you could take a picture/video of your wonderful cooking and show me.
  • Please keep practising writing your name. Twinkl have letter formation worksheets to support you.



  • Keep practising phase 1 and 2 phonics – Suggested resources: letters and sounds website/ phonics play website / teach your monster to read app/ Twinkl website / phonics flashcards.



  • Practise counting to 10 and beyond. Have a go at recognising numerals 0-10 and further. See if you can find any numbers around the house.
  • Have a shape hunt around the house or garden. Discuss their size and properties.
  • Make a fruit cocktail, perhaps explore halving and sharing quantities.
  • Have a go at adding small quantities together using objects. There are a lots of addition resources on Twinkl and You Tube.
  • Watch Numberblocks to support mathematical understanding. It is a wonderful tool to help your child understand and recognise the relationships between numbers. · For any other number activities please access


Creative ideas


Physical Development

  • Practise running / jogging/ hopping and skipping. Can you think of other ways to move?
  • With an adult, practise cutting using scissors. Have a go at cutting along simple lines or shapes.
  • Learn a dance move.
  • Help out in the garden and plant some flowers.



*** UPDATED - New Activities added below ***  (1st May 2020)

Just a gentle reminder that these activities listed below are suggestions for you to try at home.  I do not want parents to feel pressured that their child has to complete every activity, please enjoy quality time together and have fun. Don't miss me reading a story - 'Splat the Cat' - at the bottom of this update! I am here if you wish to contact me for support or to show me what you have been up to at home.


Miss Hill:


Best wishes

Miss R Hill



Summer 1, Week 3 (w/c 4th May)


Goldilocks and the Three Bears (Part 2 Continued)


Reading and Writing

  • Read the story of Goldilocks and The Three Bears. It can be found on YouTube, Twinkl or cbeebies.
  • With adult supervision, research where bears live using a computer/iPad or a book. Twinkl has a free PowerPoint and some facts that could be read or printed out.  There is also some videos to watch on cbeebies to support you.
  • Research where oats come from.
  • Read, read and read as many books you have at home!
  • Retell the story of Goldilocks and The Three bears. What did she do? Was it right to enter the cottage without asking? How did the bears feel?
  • Draw a cottage or your own house and have a go at labelling different parts of the building.
  • Write or read a recipe on something you would like to make.  Perhaps you could take a picture/video of your wonderful cooking and show me.
  • Please keep practising writing your name. Twinkl have letter formation worksheets to support you.



  • Keep practising phase 1 and 2 phonics – Suggested resources: letters and sounds website/ phonics play website / teach your monster to read app/ Twinkl website / phonics flashcards.



  • Practise counting to 10 and beyond.  Have a go at recognising numerals 0-10 and further. See if you can find any numbers around the house.
  • Have a go at adding small quantities together using objects. There are a lots of addition resources on Twinkl and You Tube.
  • Watch Numberblocks to support mathematical understanding.  It is a wonderful tool to help your child understand and recognise the relationships between numbers.
  • For any other number activities please access nrich  


Creative ideas

  • Make a cottage using cardboard boxes, yoghurt pots, glue, paint and decorations.
  • Ask an adult if you could paint a porridge bowl or decorate a wooden spoon.
  • Make some porridge playdough- The recipe can be found via the link
  • Learn a new nursery rhyme or action song
  • Explore different sounds around the house. What sound do the pans make?  Etc.


Physical Development

  • Can you move like a bear?  Can you stride? Can you walk on all fours? Can you yawn and stretch like a bear?
  • Practise running / jogging/ hopping and skipping.  Can you think of other ways to move?
  • With an adult, practise cutting using scissors.  Have a go at cutting along simple lines or shapes.
  • Help with the washing and have a go at folding clothes or pairing socks together.




Summer 1, Week 4 (w/c 11th May)


The Magic Porridge Pot


Reading and Writing

  • Read the story of The Magic Porridge Pot. It can be found via this link
  • Discuss what happened in the story, who did Rose meet in the woods?  What did the old lady give Rose? What magic words does Rose need to say to the magic pot? What happened to the pot when mum was cleaning?  How did the people in the town feel?
  • Read, read and read as many books you have at home!
  • Write or read a recipe on something you would like to make.  Perhaps you could take a picture/video of your wonderful cooking and show me. With adult supervision, maybe you could make some soup or a casserole in a cooking pot.
  • Please keep practising writing your name. Twinkl have letter formation worksheets to support you.
  • Have a go at matching rhyming words. You may be able to find objects around the house that rhyme for example, bear and chair, mug and rug, pot and cot, sock and lock.



  • Keep practising phase 1 and 2 phonics – Suggested resources: letters and sounds website/ phonics play website / teach your monster to read app/ Twinkl website / phonics flashcards.
  • Have a go at writing simple CVC words such as sat, sit, tap, pin using phonemes s, a, t, p, i, n



  • Practise counting to 10 and beyond.  Have a go at recognising numerals 0-10 and further. See if you can find any numbers around the house.
  • Have a go at adding small quantities together using objects. There are a lots of addition resources on Twinkl and YouTube.
  • Practise sharing quantities out equally for example, you could pretend to have a tea party with your family members and share some cupcakes and discuss how many cupcakes each person has and why.
  • Watch Numberblocks to support mathematical understanding.  It is a wonderful tool to help your child understand and recognise the relationships between numbers.
  • For any other number activities please access nrich  


Creative ideas

  • Make a magic cooking pot using cardboard boxes, yoghurt pots, glue, paint and decorations.
  • Paint or draw the main characters from the story.
  • You could make flapjacks or oat biscuits and decorate them.
  • Learn a new nursery rhyme or action song.


Physical Development

  • Practise running / jogging/ hopping and skipping.  Can you think of other ways to move?
  • Get moving around outside as much as possible and enjoy the fresh air.
  • Visit websites such as gonoodle and cosmic yoga to exercise.
  • Use play dough, threading, jigsaws to support fine motor development.
  • With an adult, practise cutting using scissors.  Have a go at cutting along simple lines or shapes.
  • Help with the washing and have a go at folding clothes or pairing socks together.





*** UPDATED - New Activities added below ***  (20th Apr 2020)

Hello Nursery Class,


I am missing you all and I hope that the Easter bunny visited you on Easter Sunday. He even visited me! I hope you are all making the most of the gorgeous sunshine by doing lots of outdoor activities.


This half term we are focusing on some traditional tales. These include Little Red Riding Hood, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, The Magic Porridge Pot and Jack and the Beanstalk. Please see below some maths and literacy ideas to support your child’s home learning for the next 2 weeks.


Summer 1, Week 1 (w/c 20th Apr) 


Little Red Riding Hood


To access the story of Little Red Riding Hood please access the link via


Literacy Ideas

  • Questions parents can ask during the story -
    • ‘What do you think will happen next?’,
    • ‘Should you talk to strangers?’,
    • ‘Do you think Wolf was a nice character?’,
    • ‘What happened at the beginning and end of the story?’
  • Pretend to dress up as Red Riding Hood and retell the events from the story.
  • Draw and write a list of food in Red Riding Hood’s basket?
  • Make a wanted poster to help catch the Big Bad Wolf?
  • Design a picture/model of a character from Red Riding Hood.
  • Make a get well card for Grandma.


Maths Ideas

  • Go on a wolf hunt in the garden/ around the house or hide a toy in a dolls house and describe where wolf is hiding.
  • Count all objects of food in Red Riding Hood’s basket.
  • Order vegetables by their weight or height.
  • Pretend to be a shopkeeper in the grocers and price up vegetables and fruit. Learn 1p, 2p and 5p coins.
  • Make a cottage using different shapes and sizes.
  • Make a maze using blocks. Please access for more Red Riding Hood activities.


Summer 1, Week 2 (w/c 27th Apr) 


Goldilocks and the Three Bears


To access the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears please access the link via


Literacy Ideas

  • Questions parents can ask during the story
    • ‘Where did the three bears live?’,
    • ‘Name the characters in the story?’,
    • ‘Which bowl of porridge did Goldilocks like best and why?’,
    • ‘Can you tell me what happened when the bears returned back home to their cottage?’
  • Pretend to dress up as Goldilocks and retell the events from the story.
  • Make a wanted poster to help catch Goldilocks?
  • Draw or paint the three different sized bears living in a cottage.
  • Follow a recipe to make porridge and have a go at writing your own recipe.


Maths Ideas

  • Can you order the size of your teddies from big to small? Can you measure how tall they are? (You may need someone to help you with this.)
  • Find a selection of bowls and some porridge oats to explore quantity. Can you describe which bowl has most/least porridge? Can you fill the porridge bowl? Can you make it half full?
  • In your house, can you collect different sized objects and sort them into 2 groups- big or small?
  • Follow a recipe to make porridge and weigh out the ingredients.
  • Count how many bears, beds or chairs you may have around the house? Can you record your findings?


Please access for extra Goldilocks and The Three Bears resources.



*** UPDATED - New Activity added below ***  (30th Mar 2020)


We hope you are all keeping well and enjoying the home learning activities.  After the Easter holidays we will update the home learning activities to help keep your child busy with their learning.  New activities will be added each week so please keep checking.  These will include mathematics, literacy and topic activities to cover learning for the half term.


Below is a new website link to develop phonics skills: 




  • Practise writing your name.
  • Read a book and talk about your favourite character.
  • Paint/draw a family portrait.
  • Write a make a book.
  • Sing your favourite Nursery rhymes
  • Perform a puppet show.
  • Make a card for everyone at home.
  • Get all the chairs together and make a bus.
  • Make paper aeroplanes.
  • Go on a shape hunt around the house.
  • Find objects beginning with a letter of the alphabet.
  • Listen to sounds in the house.
  • Colour a picture.
  • Have a toys tea party.
  • Play I spy
  • Play musical statues.
  • Make story props
  • Dress up and role play
  • Go on a colour hunt
  • Hunt for number around the house.
  • Play a board/card game.
  • Vacuum the house.
  • Learn and act out 5 Little Speckled Frogs.
  • Find as many collections of 10 things in your home as you can.
  • Play vets.
  • Have an indoor picnic.
  • Help fold clothes.
  • Tidy up your toys.
  • Keep washing your hands.



Useful Website Links


Home Learning Pack


We hope the children keep safe and we hope they enjoy their time spent at home. In this learning pack we have put together some activities for your child to complete to support their education and development.


Below I have listed some important learning to be practised at home:

· Practise writing letters of their name.

· Practise pencil grip and control.

· Reading a story every day.

· Practise reading Phase 2 phonemes- these are found in your pack.

· Recognise shapes in the environment.

· Practise cutting simple lines using scissors.

· Practise counting objects in a large group.

· Practise counting up to 10 and beyond.

· Practise adding small groups together such as 1+1=, 2+1=. To support our learning in maths we use Numberblocks which can be found using

Included in this pack is a list of websites to support your child’s learning and a variety of activities for your children to do indoors.

Please check your child’s class page for information and any updates.


Thank you for your ongoing support.

Nursery Staff



