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St Peter's and Clifton CE VC Primary School

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2GN - Miss Newton

Welcome to our class page - Please come back to see regular updates on our class




In Year 2, we encourage the children to be organised and prepared for each school day. Year 2 is an important milestone, not just because of SATs, but because of how much your child will grow, mature and become more independent over the course of the year. We appreciate your continued support in every aspect of your child’s learning.


Important information


About our class

In 2GN, we are a team. We work together, with the support and guidance of the adults, to be the best we can be. We support and celebrate each other’s achievements and we are proud when we accomplish something new. This classroom philosophy is based on a foundation of mutual trust and respect- between the adults and the children- and we show this through constant hard work and effort.



Mathletics is a fantastic online resource for children to develop their mathematical understanding in a fun and accessible way. Every child has a log in for Mathletics - please encourage your child to use the programme even just for 15 minutes a day. All the activities are differentiated for your child’s needs- meaning they provide just the right level of challenge according to their level and depth of mathematical understanding. If that wasn’t exciting enough, using Mathletics frequently earns your child points, which go towards bronze, silver and gold certificates. The more children in our class who use Mathletics will hopefully earn us enough points to win the weekly Mathletics trophy - and we all know how much Miss Newton loves to win!

As a school we are taking part in the ‘Times Tables Rock!’ challenge. By the end of Year 4, all children should know up to 12x12; however, in Year 2, we focus on knowing the multiplication and division facts for the 2s, 5s and 10s. Every morning in 2GN, we complete a time table challenge as part of our morning work- Miss Newton may send a sheet home if she thinks anyone needs a little more practice.



Spelling homework is set on a Friday and is due back in school on the following Monday. It may help to remind them of the spellings before the Friday spelling test.

Reading records need to be in school every day and taken home every night so the children can read for at least 10 minutes a day with an adult. Please ask the children questions on what they have read and explain words they may not understand.


Physical Education

PE kits need to be available in school on a Monday and Tuesday. Monday sessions require an indoor kit and Tuesday sessions require an outdoor kit.

Kit required for P.E:

Boys - White T-shirt and black shorts and trainers or pumps for outdoor games during summer and winter months. Warm navy/black tracksuit for outdoor games during the winter months.

Girls - White T-shirt, black shorts or cycling shorts (not nylon or lycra) and trainers or pumps for outdoor games during summer and winter months. Warm navy/black tracksuit for outdoor games during the winter months.

Please note earrings must be removed for PE or covered by tape provided by the parent.



When children have behaved for the week they receive a green sticker on a Friday. If your child doesn’t have their sticker it may be worth a gentle reminder about how they lost it and how they can improve their behaviour.



One lucky child will also take home Basil, our class pet (!), for the weekend, alongside his diary where it is expected your child will recount what adventures you have been up to! If your child arrives home on a Friday with Basil, this is because Miss Newton has noticed them demonstrating the 4 R’s- Resilience, Responsibility, Respect and Resourcefulness- over the course of the week.


If you have any questions/concerns, I am always available to chat at drop off/pick up time.

Thank you for your ongoing support,


Miss Newton, Mrs Endicott, Mrs Gelder and Mrs Shawden. 


Our beautiful classroom

Our last week!

From our first week together to our last. What a treat it has been to teach 27 such wonderful children. Wishing you all a very happy summer holiday (when it finally arrives!)



Max the Hedgehog

What a dramatic day in Year 2! We have spotted recently a young hedgehog wandering around our playground during the day - this is a sign that a hedgehog is not healthy. So we carried him to the safety of a cardboard box using a thick pair of gloves, and treated him to a shallow pool of water and some yummy dog food! The children have christened him ‘Max’ and have even made some signs to warn others to be quiet so not to disturb him. 
We plan on releasing him back into the undergrowth away from the playground tomorrow. Check back for updates! 


And they're off! (June 2019)

And they're off! We released our butterflies in the bright, June sunshine today. We waved them goodbye as we released them into the wild.


Abel, Amos and Tilly tortoise visit us!

The children in 2GN were visited by three mischievous tortoises on Friday! Abel, Amos and Tilly belong to Mrs Lister (Mrs Gelder's mum) and she kindly told us all about her beloved pets.
Abel, the smallest tortoise, is 40 years old! We had a lovely afternoon. 

End of SATs celebration (May 2019)

2GN celebrated the end of SATs with a slice of chocolate cake this afternoon. I am extremely proud of their achievements and delighted with each and every one of them. Enjoy your half term everybody. 


Having fun in the new adventure playground (May 2019)

Science - Exploring our school pond (May 2019)

Another well deserved treat for the end of the half term! We have been learning about different types of animals in science and decided to explore our school pond to see what we could find. Frogs, tadpoles and dragonflies all made the list! 


Music - Beats and Rhythm (May 2019)

The faces of young musicians concentrating hard on the notes and waiting for their cue to come in. We’ve loved playing different musical instruments and learning about beats and rhythm. 


Science - Sorting Animals by their diet (May 2019)

Playing Teachers! (May 2019)

The girls in 2GN have rendered Miss Newton null and void in golden time - by enjoying a game of teachers! They are rather bossy; I wonder who they are inspired by... 


Egg Day (March 2019)

Happy Egg Day from the wonderful children in 2GN! We had some incredible creations- including spider egg, sonic the egghodge and teenage mutant ninja egg! 


PE - No sunbathing for us in 2GN, we're getting ready for Wimbledon!

Science - Jelly Bean tasting experiment!

World Book Day 2019

Science - Drawing around our bodies and labelling what we could remember!

Space Week - Planting our own space garden (like Astronauts)!

Christmas Performance, Dec 2018
