Our Intent
Following the St Peter’s and Clifton School Spirit we give our children, including those with SEN, the skills that will enable them to be fully included in the community of the school.
We aim to enable all our children to have access to as broad and balanced a curriculum as possible. Work in all subject areas is differentiated to enable all children to succeed and make progress from their own starting point. As a school we believe, God created every child as an individual with their own talents, gifts and needs.
Children and adults alike value each other, whatever their abilities or disabilities. All children can learn from one another and are valued, regardless of ability or disability.
All members of the teaching staff consider themselves to be Special Needs Teachers.
Following the St Peter’s spirit makes our school a happy, friendly and successful place to be.
The SENCO (Special Educational Needs Coordinator) will help and advise school staff on catering for childrens' needs. At the beginning, this support is started through an assessment process of need. Schools work in partnership with external agencies such as Speech and Language Therapy and Educational Psychologists. They will also liaise with parents about any support their child may need.
Secondary Transition
At St Peter’s and Clifton we are here to support your child’s next steps towards secondary school. We would advise you to start to consider your options in Year 5.
If your child has an EHCP or My Support Plan we begin to look at and discuss secondary transition at the reviews of these documents in Year 5.
In Year 6 annual reviews are brought forward to the Autumn term, sometimes the SENCO from the secondary school may attend this meeting if they are available. During the summer term, the SENCO from the relevant secondary schools will join us for a transition meeting to share information to support the transition process. Children with SEND are able to visit the schools for additional visits in the summer term to help them feel confident with the transition process. We also work with the children in school to relieve any worry or anxiety that they may have.
Things you can do
· Attend any open evenings to look around the high schools in the local area
· Look on the Wakefield Local Offer page to find out more information about the schools https://wakefield.mylocaloffer.org/home
· Once you have a place offered, contact the SENCOs at the secondary school if you have any further questions
· Speak to us – we are here to support!
We currently have one fully accredited SENCO. Please contact the school (01924 302965) if you would like to speak to our SENCO, or you can contact her directly via email.
Mrs Hannah Hobson is SENCO for Early Years Foundation Stage & Key Stage 1
Below you can find Coronavirus SEND resources and information from My Local Offer - http://wakefield.mylocaloffer.org/s4s/WhereILive/Council?pageId=5109