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St Peter's and Clifton CE VC Primary School

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'Curious Investigators' - Theatre Show at the Cluntergate Centre

"Scribble and Clipboard have a job to do: sort the recycling. But Scribble keeps finding new things to investigate. When she discovers a mysterious egg hidden in the rubbish, the pair need the audience’s help to rescue an unborn chick. Can they save a mysterious egg from smashing? And what will they discover along the way?"

'Curious Investigators' is a cracking adventure created in collaboration with engineering experts from Lancaster University: a delightfully surprising, highly visual show for 3-7 year olds and their grownups.

This brand-new family show has been hatched by One Tenth Human, commissioned by Big Imaginations and supported by Arts Council England. This performance has been made possible by a Culture Grant from Wakefield Council. The event is being held at The Cluntergate Centre on Sun 26th March @ 2pm. Please see our Letters Page for more information and details of how to book.
