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St Peter's and Clifton CE VC Primary School

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Ready Steady Read!

To celebrate and encourage a lifelong love of reading at home and school, we are running a sponsored read between 10th and 17th October 2024. This is for all children, from nursery to Y6. Your child will be bringing home a letter today. The project is being organised in conjunction with our local Usborne Partner, Carron Charlesworth, and every single penny of the money raised will buy brand new books for our school. In addition to the sponsorship money, Usborne will also donate up to 60% of the total raised in EXTRA FREE BOOKS. Please help us to enhance our reading resources by encouraging your child to spend a small amount of time each day either reading to themselves, to others, or being read to. They can read books, comics, magazines, newspapers, menus, websites, recipes, poems, leaflets, instructions – anything with words!! If you are able to support our sponsored read, please use your sponsorship form on the reverse of the letter. There is also a reading log for your child if they wish to use it to record their reading. Please return all sponsorship money to school by Monday 21st October 2024. Thank you for your support.
