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St Peter's and Clifton CE VC Primary School

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KS2 - What we've done in school this week

We've started each day with Joe Wicks and we discussed how exercise makes your body and mind feel much better. One child (Raffie) took up his challenge to write a poem about it. We sent it to Radio 2!


We all learnt about Captain Tom Moore and were very impressed and inspired by his amazing fundraising achievements. We then all made and sent him a birthday card. 


All the children have been working together to produce another piece of collaborative art to celebrate World Earth Day that was last week. 

In Y3/4 we've been watching extracts from Wall-E and thinking about protecting our planet. We then designed and made our own robots and made and flew our own rockets. We've been making rainbow hearts and learning how to draw by following tips from the author and illustrator Rob Biddulph (#DrawWithRob).  


In Y5/6 we've been researching lots about Peru and making powerpoints. We've been completing some fun maths mystery puzzles. We've been reading the nonsense poem Jabberwocky and having lots of fun with nonsense words. We've also started thinking about preparing a time capsule.
