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3 MAPLE - Mrs Stevens / Mrs Ellis

Welcome to 3 Maple!


Mrs Stevens

Mrs D Ellis


You can find out what we are currently learning on our Curriculum Newsletter.


We look forward to working with our children and parents this year.


Class teachers

Mrs Stevens works Monday- Wednesday - (email above)

Mrs Ellis works Wednesday – Friday (email above).



We read a wide range of texts in Year 3 and love to read in class. Reading is hugely important to our children. Children can change their reading books daily in 3 Maple. Please ensure these are signed at home by a parent or carer. Please encourage your child to read at home regularly. Every 5 times read = a raffle ticket! 

The children are responsible for choosing their own book from our book boxes.

We read daily in class together through whole class reading and have regular times to read independently using our reading corner.



Homework is set on a Friday. This will cover an element we have been learning during the week with either a maths or English focus. Homework is handed back in to mark together the following Friday. Alongside the children are encouraged to use Ed Shed, children earn points for their class by completing tasks that are set weekly we would encourage the use of Ed Shed for 15 minutes a day. Log ins will be the same as previous years and will be stuck in their reading record books.



Spellings are set on Ed Shed on a weekly basis. We also send home spelling books for written practice at home. Children will be tested weekly on these in class. Please try to use Ed Shed daily for 15 minutes as well as using the green spelling books for written practice. Spelling tests take place on a Tuesday. Please ensure green books are in book bags! 



3 Maple have PE on a Monday and Friday.


Thank you for your on-going support. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us should you need to.

3 Maple teamsmiley

