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1 ASH - Mrs Ward

Welcome to 1 ASH




Mrs Ward -


You can find out what we are currently learning on our Curriculum Newsletter.




At our school we place a great importance on nurturing a love of Reading and we teach phonics and reading using the Little Wandle scheme. As part of this, the children will bring home 2 types of books each week: a sharing book and a reading book matched to their phonics level. The sharing book is a book to enjoy reading together, perhaps at bedtime. The reading book is read in reading sessions during the week and brought home at the end of the week. We would encourage you to listen to your child read this book and celebrate their achievement as they read it independently.

Please return your child’s sharing book to school on a Friday and their reading book on a Monday. It is important that these books are looked after and returned promptly.



Reading Challenge

Each half term the children can earn raffle tickets for reading with an adult. At the end of each half term a winner from each year group is then picked out.

We also set a class target each half term and our reward for reaching it is a new class book to share. Please date and sign your child’s yellow reading record each time they read with an adult at home including their sharing book.



This half term we have PE lessons on Tuesday. The children should bring their PE kit (white t-shirt, navy/black shorts, leggings or jogging bottoms, a hoody or jumper and trainers/pumps) to school on Monday and they will bring it home towards the end of week. It should be labelled with your child’s name please. You may also wish to send a waterproof jacket on these days.



This half term we also have Forest Schools sessions on a Thursday. The class will be split in half so the children will go every other week. The children should bring wellies and a warm waterproof coat (and waterproof trousers if possible) as we will be going out in all weathers. Please leave the clothing in school until the end of the half term.


Drinks and Snacks

We ask the children to drink water at regular intervals during the day so please provide them with a named, durable water bottle (water only, not juice). A fruit or vegetable snack is provided everyday for the children which they eat at morning playtime. You can send your child with their own piece of fruit or vegetable if you so wish but no other snacks are suitable, thank you.


And lastly, thank you for your support and if you have any questions or would like a chat, please catch a member of staff at the beginning or end of the day.


Thank you,

Mrs Ward and Miss Yarnold

PE - Locomotor skills

Our sessions with the coach this half term are all about developing our locomotor skills. This week we were travelling around the room in different ways and playing games collecting beanbags and quoits from each other's teams.

We had lots of fun on Number Fun Day - practising writing numbers in chalk, representing numbers, ordering numbers, playing lots of number games and dancing like a robot!!!

Golden time in the Wild Area

In our Maths lessons we have been counting forwards and backwards, finding one more and less and representing numbers in different ways. 

We love reading!

We have been reading 'The Colour Monster' and have discussed our feelings. Can you guess which feeling we are showing with our faces and bodies? Well done 1Ash! - Some super ideas and great independent learning.
